
UGG Outlet Leave primary school girls killed in a suicide note said the service department of pestic

Lifetime suicide girls girls Xieyi Shu crying heap

■ family photos with students and parents said: Their teacher criticized the student, but left standing the two classes, the students cried two classes

< p> ■ school: this is not the responsibility of schools and teachers

■ teacher: In addition to the normal education, there are no excesses

■ correspondent reported that the high-hung / photo

Siping News newspaper on May 19, the first town fifty-one Shuangliao City, village primary school serving grades 6 Chen Yanan 13-year-old girl came home from school the afternoon dose of pesticide, He died the death that night. Body was cremated, her parents found the two diary suicide note, all of which involve the teacher, which is only a suicide note, For students taking the suicide survey Shuangliao City Public Security Bureau said indeed committed suicide, the investigation found Shuangliao City Board of Education school students and teachers died in the incident has no responsibility. 27, the reporter learned that this incident has closed the school two days and have confirmed that students and parents and teachers really criticized Chen Yanan, but left standing the two classes, Chen Yanan cried for two classes. Department of Education said there are seven characters do not know of the investigation into the suicide note and the reporters about the new situation, will continue to investigate the matter.

family: after school and drink some pesticide suicide

27 late afternoon, the reporter came to town fifty-one Shuangliao City, serving first home town side Tun Chen Yanan, see Chen Yanan for more than 20 relatives in her home, the family is still in extreme grief. Chen Yanan's grandfather knelt on the floor, arms granddaughter grandmother carrying a bag every day, crying during his lifetime to recover granddaughter, my mother sitting on the ground piercing cry, and several family members are to mix it up from the mix, but also all the relatives tears. According to Chen Yanan's grandmother say, Ya-great granddaughter of the first service in the town of fifty-one Shuangliao City elementary school 6th grade, 19 minutes more than 5 pm, Ya-nan came home from school, she is outbuildings Grilled green onions, looked up and saw the child back the bag door, said, A few minutes later, Ya-nan told the grandmother want to make a phone call to Ben went, nobody answered the call after the other, Chen Yanan crying and simply said, granddaughter suddenly upper body lying on the bed, stick with the lower body, his hands behind the back counter. Grandma Manghan to daughter, look at the bottom of bedside pink plastic cup of liquid. Yao said the child like a daughter, stood a small bottle of outbuildings to Seed corn is not a highly toxic pesticide. Seeing a child dying, the family called her father call her back because of the muddy road, the child her father to open four-wheel vehicles to send their children to 51 Village Road, oil board, and a taxi to the town center before serving hospitals. Evening 6 o'clock, despite efforts to rescue a doctor, but also failed to save child's life.

suicide note: 20, the family looked for Shuangliao City Board of Education requirements sent to investigate the matter. 21, after a forensic examination, the child surface without injury. 22 bodies at the local funeral home for cremation, the ashes scattered by his family Changtu County in Liaoning Province under the bridge of a large river estuary.

say, according to Chen Yanan father,UGG Outlet, daughter honest and kind, but that does not usually speak Laoke inward, learning and work have a stubborn unyielding character.

Chen Yanan's father, said he has two children, 13-year-old daughter Chen Yanan, 5-year-old daughter. At 16:00 on the 22nd and more, he came home from the funeral home, a new bag in her diary found on a suicide note that read Diary of a next page is torn. Then my grandfather granddaughter found the room a tank floating in water that has been torn diary pages of paper, write Without this courage, I do not know why the teacher is always staring at me, like I always look down, when she said I, I always feel that there is no particular face, and finally, I bear to! Diary of a suicide note in this diary, together with twenty-five papers were police, after the autopsy, as the evidence away.

. Interview, Chen Yanan mother lying on the kang, dull eyes, not saying a word.

families that have two page suicide note and other relevant materials as evidence, through the legal process, and the parties to the school's head teacher to the dead children have a say.

Chen Yanan's Aunt Chen Xiaona said niece's death, she went to the town center before serving Shuangliao City school, at the school gate to see the school principal, Sun Zhongren, May Wang Fuchang Village Village Primary School secretary Liu Fu, she asked two principals, At that time the family requested President Wang Wang Yinxia contact the child's homeroom teacher, they asked the children at school in the end what happened, family members may be afraid of emotion, the two sides clash, Wang did not go to the hospital. So far the families have not seen Wang. It is understood that Wang Yinxia is about 33-year-old female teacher.


teacher Chen Yanan left standing

reporter then interviewed several students and parents. Moumou said fourth-grade students, about 19 early study hall, sixth-grade teacher Ms. Wang came to their classroom door, their class teacher Lee said: look, Chen Yanan I had left standing. refers to the month and Chen Yanan Jiang) left standing, the station did not ask me how long. cried the two classes, then do not read to go home to pack a bag.


fear of parents downtown closed two days

27 afternoon, the reporter went to fifty-one village primary school, locked the door, the empty playground no one. Wang Zhonghua claiming to teach preschool teacher said, teachers and students are on holiday, and the guard on his school two people, the principal went to the meeting. Approved by the Town Center school principal, the students commit suicide because Chen Yanan things, for fear their families to downtown, schools have been closed for two days. A total of 12 teachers of the school, each year a class, six classes of 100 students. Wang Yinxia pear normal school teachers are graduates, taught seven or eight years. To his knowledge, was the teacher of Chen Yanan Wang said,

Principal: not the responsibility of schools and teachers

school because their families that responsibility on the matter, the reporter by telephone connection fifty-one Village Primary School Wang Fuchang. 21 day, the three departments to the Department of Education school teachers and students to find relevant investigated. Public Security Battalion, Interpol unit and other departments have shown that this is not the responsibility of schools and teachers. Homeroom teacher for Chen Yanan things absolutely no students left standing. Chen Yanan to write something that is genuine need for technical appraisal, and all the children to guess their thoughts. Chen Yanan Wang Yinxia class teacher is the backbone of the school's art teacher. The death of Chen Yanan whether school-related, he said, For the suspension, he said two days to the families of gang trouble, frightened by the students,UGG Outlet, family members said continuous trouble to come seven days of forced closure of schools. Wang Yinxia teachers for the new phone card, he did not know numbers.

homeroom teacher Wang Yinxia reporters came home, his-law, said Wang Yinxia's mother had cerebral thrombosis, and she returned zhengjiatun her parents, and Wang Yinxia no phone, could not be contacted.

Police: Student indeed committed suicide

for this, Shuangliao City Public Security Bureau official said, after the incident, the bureau sent security, Interpol, two brigade investigation team to investigate the composition, Chen Yanan indeed suicide, suicide is no objection to their families. Investigation, the police did not say that schools and teachers have the responsibility.

Education: No corporal punishment and corporal punishment in disguise

night, reporters came to Shuangliao City Board of Education. Discipline inspection and supervision rooms and Security Section is responsible for two people, reporters interviewed. According to the monitoring director Wei Lianfu introduction, 19 at 10 am, Bureau received a school report on the death of Chen Yanan. 20 am, family members came to the Council to reflect the situation and handed Chen Yanan left a suicide note to parents. Day, immediately instructed the deputy secretary of the Guang-Hui Liu Department policies and regulations, discipline inspection room, the Joint Security Division investigation team composed of three divisions to 51 village primary school, the school teachers and students in several related investigations. The investigation that: the day 7:40, students to school on the morning lesson, the teacher Wang Yinxia remedial math teacher, a group of two students each Deshu. Wang and Jiang Chen Yanan found two students did on thanks to a month, and write English in the job, and asked Chen Yanan, 8:10 a formal class, just first class on the English class, Chen Yanan Zhang Xiaohui teachers to teach English to leave home, so Chen Yanan Zhang teachers find teacher leave, then go to the class teacher Chen Yanan Wang, Chen Yanan with Wang said, She do not want to read, and want to go outside, the father of Wang and Chen Yanan telephone communication, the father did not agree, put Chen Yanan Wang returned to class. According to Zhang teacher, Chen Yanan, after returning to the classroom, in their seats at the red side faces the wall stood, she sat down, she does not sit, stood a lesson. Section II is English class, Chen Yanan sit down, normal lectures until 16:20 after school, teachers and students to reflect, Chen Yanan no exception.

Weizhu Ren said, through the investigation teacher Wang Yinxia teacher, English teacher informed the students and four Xiaohui, Chen Yanan Wang Yinxia teachers in the education process, without too much abusive language, there is no corporal punishment and corporal punishment in disguised form students, the school identified students and teachers died in the incident has no responsibility.

for students and parents make informed reporters of different versions, Wei Zhuren said: He will put the new report to the Bureau, and do in-depth investigation.


no aggressive behavior

by the Department of Education and the coordination of primary school principals, teachers received a correspondent Wang Yinxia telephone interview. According to Wang teacher, Jiang and Chen Yanan students left standing on the matter did not, did not say what Chen Yanan. In addition to the normal education, she did not have any excesses. Chen Yanan is a good student, very strong self-esteem. page suicide note, Wang explained: I forgot to play on Jiang, Chen Yanan absolutely did not touch on,UGG Outlet, students can prove this point. . the children did not complete the job, to parents called and I think it is quite normal. got off the phone, I advised her to a few, well studious child very happy. said: When doing a teacher's responsibility, and now feel wronged. At 16:30 on the 28th, the reporter learned that, in the morning, came to the school survey of secondary Education departments. First day of service to restore the town fifty-one village primary school, sixth-grade teacher Ms. Wang did not work, substitute teacher by the other.

