
Moncler Shop Exposure of part of the net posts shady supermarket food made ​​of meat left to continu

□ Morning News reporter Guan Jian

Recently, one claiming to have worked in many supermarkets Mop forum users in continuous post, without naming the exposure part of the health food supermarket in shady , shoddy, secondary packaging, processing ... ... all the dirty look and behavior of people frightened.

out of food safety concerns, conditions.

exposure post exposure supermarket food problem in the end how much is true? In this regard, the industry estimates that about three Zhisi Cheng supermarket operating conditions there were irregularities.

post exposure: poor sales, will re-package

This post was originally posted at exposure on October 21, but in recent days, posting people and continuously updated content, and answered various questions raised by netizens.

Posted by claiming to be from 2002 onwards, he had worked in a number of large supermarkets to work, engaged in receiving department, front, meat section, the Department of the more common positions,Moncler Shop, supermarket more familiar with the internal operation, now leave.

Posted stressed that the aim is to post your own supermarket insider told everyone to know in order to enhance everyone's self-protection.

according Posted broke, the supermarket will be in the purchase of raw meat and vegetables directly on the ground inspection; the day the food will not sell the next day re-packing; poor sales of raw meat will be sent to the meat grinder made of meat; supermarket lot of use of non-cooked food made with fresh ingredients and so on.

However, people also said that post, so not every supermarket will operate their own personal experiences and the years just to understand the insider to the public, and did not conduct a market survey.

users thread: problem has been bought raw beef

Inside, many users expressed shock, and even panic.

people read the post Miss Lee told reporters yesterday after their purchase in the supermarket had a raw beef, but the surface of the meat home to find that there are a lot of mud and water are not clean and wash, but to cut down throw out, point and a half to work, employees will have vegetables and fruits were collected 10 and 5 samples for pesticide residues, and lean meat for testing, measuring problems of rejection will be. Industry confirmed that: an estimated 30-40% transmission of the disease

to know the truth, the reporter has tried to contact the post, but as of press time last night,Moncler Shop, has never been each other's back.

post description is true or false? Has served as manager of a supermarket in Shanghai, Mr. Chen said in an interview, Posted exposure of such cases do exist, but not a common phenomenon. Camp (ie, self-cooked food supermarket) and In addition to tobacco and alcohol, the supermarkets of the goods can be returned (generally in the shelf life of at least one month before the expiry of return to producers), busy. even with the secondary packaging, but also manufacturers packaging. direct throw away, A few days later also can not sell, it is made into the meat grinder in the meat. Usually ready meat, no meat is good kilograms.

● Do not buy the fish on ice and other seafood, because those things are hard to tell even internal staff put long. Sell ​​today, put the frozen night,Moncler Shop, the Treasury, the next morning to get a red water will continue to sell.

● Department inspection receipt directly to vegetables, meat and other products piled on the ground.

● deli department is equivalent to scrap yards, missed the soy sauce, noodles, vegetables, meat, and then there will be sent to processing.

● poor quality of the meat that day, vegetables, fruits, packing the next day will be refurbished and re-paste the date labeling. Even those ham, spiced corned egg and so can the secondary packaging.

● beautifully wrapped, which is not necessarily a good thing installed. Some people eat chocolate from the

● supermarket Orleans roast chicken is very fragrant, but when those things are frozen stock, put do not know how long.

● some homemade bread in the supermarket when they were semi-finished stock, but the dough and other materials that may be exposed in transit due to be contaminated.

● supermarket eggs, with no difference between the markets, the name of green pollution-free signs, known as the green channel is a lie.

● tally clerks often take the most recent date of manufacture on the shelves of most fresh produce inside.

[supermarket shopping to avoid the risk Raiders]

related to health is no small matter. Many users of the supermarket face a strong food safety concerns, posted in violation of the exposed part of the supermarket and also made some suggestions:

to buy meat, the meat must first pick a complete, on-site to the supermarket employees twist.

not recommended to buy boxed meat, preferably from a single piece of meat is cut on the part of home in the refrigerator to eat slowly.

best not to buy vegetables at the supermarket and meat, as we choose to buy the morning.

best not to buy frozen or bulk food.

after payment be sure to check store receipts, in order to avoid billing of certain commodities to be repeated.

Mr. Chen served as manager of a supermarket is recommended, in the case of convenience, consumers choose the best customer flow, fast flow of goods in supermarkets; as part of a small purchase to processed meat and vegetables; cooked food is best to buy well-known brands.

