
UGG Austrila Nanyang, Henan jailed for embezzlement, bribery original television 11 years long

I: Introduction to listen to the prison officers, the transformation of your current job is the prison tabloid editor. Many years later, return to prostitution, whether also as previously ease?

interlocutors: Tian Ling

Qitianling: Currently, I am more of a memory and reflection. I want to repent from the heart of their sins, to declare all their sincere apologetic, I would like to build on the foundation of self-remorse since serving a 11-year career in the face of the calm state of mind. As for the long-term system transformation plan, I have not carefully considered. I reflected on the skills learned in prison, had recently reported that a car repair classes. Hearts are more than the body, to learn something was doing anything bad.

in prison for life with new insights

did not listen to his father, then go in the opposite

as the leading cadres, I should self-police, self-respect, loneliness and temptation, but in the face of lost honor and achievement orientation and embarked on a road of crime. Bitter experience, the reason is money and desires in front of me, forget themselves as party members should serve the people wholeheartedly, to the party and the people gave power to the privatization, the party's leading cadres at all levels of management regulations put aside, Party policies and state laws and ignored.

Recently, I saw the first prison in Henan Province, just over half of the field ridge, slightly lean of his interview for the author how much are somewhat stiff.

Tian Ling: In the past I have received a warning to the prison education, job-related crimes inmates heard the theories. However, when the dream did not expect to actually have become a prisoner of the day.

author: for themselves in this situation today, do you think is a personal light as the result of the law. So, you dilute the legal seriousness of the cause, the reason is deterrence?

Tian Ling: over time, with the status of the upgrade, changes in the environment, I relax in virtually strict requirements in the past that their enterprising spirit. The face of those flourishes of the wealthy, face a variety of high consumption enjoyment, I began to envy the rich lifestyle, their eyes eyes opened so busy complaining about lights, live no less dry, the money did little more. From my world view began to waver and change, expansion of desires occupy the mainstream of the value of my life, will begin depression, abuse of power began. Between the normal of the comrades, the relationship between the upper and lower levels vulgar, market-oriented, money-oriented, so that the community is leading cadres have friends, there are exchanges between friends, who but the festival, who do not gift? Since is reciprocity, that is contemptuous refusal of the. Driven by such thinking, I and some people are asking me to engage in money, ultimately draw their own political life on the shameful end.

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Tian Ling: It is indeed the case, I had left on the leadership positions, he had constantly remind ourselves, absolutely can not play by the rules, must not abuse their powers, must not live up to the party's education and training, to keep his nose clean must not fall behind infamy. At that time, someone even sent me a basket of eggs, I also pull back. Although his ideas have been struggles, but then be honest and upright dominate my thinking and behavior, ideals and beliefs so that I can keep doing so.

verdict: July 2009, Tian Ling, was sentenced to eleven years

honor achievement in the face of lost its way

I: You worked as a journalist, you will own experiences to write in prison, was released from prison after the end integration and other books? Or, you prefer to forget?

I: Why did not stick to the end, hold the bottom line of life?

dialogue Location: Henan Province, the first prison

their former positions: Henan Nanyang TV station

envy the rich lifestyle

the author: It is understood that the left on the leadership positions, you have abstinence, be called worldly air.

committing crimes: taking bribes, embezzling public funds

I am from a unit of leading cadres become a prisoner, through the vertical drop from the peak of the process of life. In prison, I have a new perception of life: the rule of law, as a party's leading cadres, the study of law must be law-abiding knowledgeable about the law, do not trust to luck, to relax the vigilance of the culture of corruption Otherwise, it will inevitably violate the law, jail.

Tian Ling: Do not learn to relax, this is not the hot air. A focus on learning as long as usual, you can always make their own advanced ideas, but also be able to stay away from those vulgar secular. I hope to quit, now has all his treasure, always remember that their power is given by the people, to be more for the people's interests, do not step my footsteps and embarked on the road of crime.

Tian Ling: Oh ... This is not the same as the outside. Our tabloid called Writing in prison is no shortage of talent. Outside prison manuscript writing and writing newspaper articles for a relatively large difference, I'm still learning.

facts of the crime: Tian Ling Ren Nanyang Television Station in the period, the use of position for others in the promotion, promotion, title, etc. for personal gain, more than 30 million bribes; addition, embezzlement 2.5 million.

Tin Heights: a happy family life becomes an instant sad people in the past, this is my heart now the largest pain. My father had also said to me before dying: I do not listen to the words of his father, but toward the opposite.

the author: For family and friends, your heart is the greatest feeling?

my crime, so the family shame, so his family could not lift their heads in front of people. Cheerful wife is now in tears all day, not at home alone, fear of recalling the tragic. Past warm home, now it has become the pain caused by memories of the place; a happy family, hey, an instant into a place where sad people. Anxiety, sadness and tears, and the share of the heartbroken loved ones behind bars like care, all the time tormented by my relatives,UGG Austrila, so that they are struggling in extreme anguish. When the family most need me, I gave the family left a great sorrow. Whenever I think of these sins - those caused by my sins, I have remorse, the pain in like Oath.

author: sense of shame after Yong, Qian Shan change, is a basic human right attitude towards life. For the transformation of the long life of their own future, you have some idea of ​​what kind?

author: lessons from your crime, your party's leading cadres want to say is what?

Tian Ling: behind bars, grief, tears, which I refuse to discuss the future of the shame experience, I will choose to avoid. Loss of freedom is a terrible thing, costly, lesson profound soul of trauma can not be bridged.

