
Yan Fu

Baike card

Yan Fu (1854.1.8-1921.10.27) formerly were light, word-ling, later renamed the complex, a few words, Han, Hou Fujian Husband, the late Qing Dynasty influential bourgeois Enlightenment thinkers, translator and educator, is the modern history of China to Western countries, the search for truth

Chinese name: Yan Fu Alias: formerly were light, word-ling, Nationality: Chinese Nationality: Chinese Place of birth: Fujian Hou official date of birth: 1854.1.8 Date of death: 1921.10.27 Occupation: translator and educator, graduated from Hospital School: Greenwich Naval College, the main achievements: initiated, meaning three granddaughters granddaughter Yen Cho-yun four poems Yan Fu Yan stopped achievements on behalf of the cloud thinking to develop a modern navy navy personnel profile

Yan Fu Memorial

Yan Fu was born in a medical family. 1866, Yan Fu was admitted to the home of the cauda equina Arsenal after school, mainly to learn driving profession, five years after graduating cum laude. 1877 to 1879, Yan Fu was sent to study in the UK public, first-Portsmouth University, and transferred to Greenwich Naval College. The study period, the United Kingdom Yan Fu's social and political interest in, covered a large number of bourgeois politics of academic theory, and particularly appreciated Darwin's evolutionary theory. Graduated in 1879 returned to teach political science ship Fuzhou shipyard study, the following year was transferred to Tianjin Northern Naval Academy chief teacher (Dean), donated in 1889 after the title was chosen prefect, and was promoted to be done, the total run (principal). Yan Fu also served as the Imperial Academy Translation Bureau of the General Office of Shanghai Fudan Public School long, Anqing Teacher's College School principals, chief editor of the Qing Dynasty Museum Division Name speech and other staff. After returning in 1905, he served as Little Yan Fu in school (now Wuhu first secondary), the Authority (ie the principal), Western advocates of elementary education, completed the famous He not only different from Huxley's translation of the original, but different from Spencer's concept of universal evolution. In Concise translation, initiated the Host the There is his famous translation of Adam Smith's theory and the theory of natural science and philosophy more systematically introduced into China, enlightenment and education, a generation of people. After the Revolution, was renamed the Imperial University of Peking. Yuan Yan Fu's life in 1912 as a university president by the

post, this also shows that Yan Fu in compelling intellectual and academic prominence. Yan Fu's view of Chinese and western culture at this time to mature, entered the stage of self-reflection, tend to revert to the traditional culture. He fears the loss of the Chinese nation's nature, fully used to rule the old school, consequent loss of reputation fall, plummeted; to avoid the winter of 1920 went to Fujian Province, October 27, 1921 dead in Fujian, aged 68 years. He wrote A translation prepared for the Yan Fu's former residence is currently located in Fuzhou lanes Langguan Lane complex method advocated in educational thinking movement in the complex method, Yan Fu is a stubborn conservative opposition, the law reformers advocated complex thinker. He was not only the text describes the need for reform, the importance, urgency, and the translation of the British biologist Huxley's survival Reform Movement, he is committed to the translation of Western bourgeois philosophy, sociology and natural science books, is a bourgeois Enlightenment thinkers. Yan Fu believe in Darwinian evolution and Spencer's vulgar. This is the theoretical basis of his political ideology, but also the theoretical basis of his educational thinking. Yan Fu in the class of physical, intellectual, moral education in three areas to enhance national prestige. The so-called drum's strength is that people across the country to have good health, and the prohibition of foot-binding to ban opium habit; the so-called open their wisdom, instead of mainly Western imperial; called Xinmin Germany, mainly abolition of authoritarian rule, a constitutional monarchy, advocating . Yan Fu requirements Reformation Movement, but advocated In short, the Yan Fu cries called Reform Reform must be implemented, otherwise the inevitable doom. The head of the political reform is to abolish the most stereotyped. Yan Fu enumerating the dangers of stereotyped: Cardiff stereotyped non

Yan Fu's House (9) since the country can also harm, harm in the world without people, the people do nothing without the world? Said there is great harm to three: Yan Fu advocated more schools, he had discussed the importance of education of Western countries, the Because the Chinese people's Yu Zhi poor, could not be better than others. Based on this idea, Yan Fu schools is positive. His Northern Naval Academy in addition to the Prime Minister himself over two decades, but also to help others have had the school, such as the Russian Museum, Tianjin, Beijing Tong Yi's school. Yan Fu requires school systems to establish a complete education, in order to Him under the system of capitalist countries, that China's school education program should be divided into three, namely, a small school, middle school and high school. Absorption of 16-year-old former small-school children to school; the school to absorb 16 to 21 years Arts and fluent, with primary school-based youth enrolled; Hall to learn three or four years, then promoted to a special branch of school for professional learning. At the same time, but also a good smart people in the study sent to study abroad, to bring people learned a trade. In addition, Yan Fu also attached importance to the education of women. Shanghai was the path he is the founder of Women's greatly appreciated. That this is bound Chinese women from the beginning of the feudal ethical code, but also the Chinese women's self-start. His purpose of salvation from the start, that women self-reliance He also advocated women and men should be the same, both in the women's school in reading, but also participate in social activities, if you do not participate in social activities, school founded on feudal women no difference between private schools and, therefore, meaningless. Obviously, he is placing women in society changes, especially down the premise of women consider their own liberation, and it is great emphasis on participation in social activities on the importance of female school students, this is his higher education in general women's place. Western advocates of Western Yan Fu advocated against Westernization, He has repeatedly

Yan Fu's translation of the secondary and

Western for comparison: The Westerners to rule the world public; China Lord, and Westerners Long-Min ... ... its also for learning the Chinese boast more knowledge, but Westerners rely manpower. In short, the Western only obtaining fur. on reform, suggests that He considered the primary stage, the aims of education is to enable children to Western translation of the text easy to understand seven, three-tenths of Chinese homework home, I say, listen to self-government forces scholars to spare. name of science , which is China, hormone (paper and ink) between the resort and I do not know facts. CD can be a compendium of the universe for me, all those things for my text, Adams really learn the ear. Yan Fu's works and critical biography (5) master. After leaving the Northern Naval Academy, has served as Yan Fu High School supervision in Anhui, Fudan University and Beijing University and other public school principals to educate the salvation for any Revolution of 1911, he was the party with Yuan , involved in Hongxian system, criticized by people in the world based on a unique grasp on the situation Min Xing, Yan Fu's life against the Republican revolution, who made public the theory of time, neither was the solution at the time, but also cause Jusong to future generations. Nevertheless, Line and maverick conduct uphold its integrity, academic politics have one consistent principle in translation studies is for the moment on the first of its ideas have influenced the style of late a large number of well-known translator whose translation is leaving many legacy to future generations his merits and demerits and the success or failure, it is concluded later carefully studied, although research has been a large number of Yan Fu's theory, but relative to his history of thought in modern China's pre-eminent status is concerned, is not enough yet to be further excavated material academia, change perspective, innovative thinking, to make a more comprehensive and impartial judge. Tomb of Yan Fu Yan Fu's tomb covered in Fuzhou, Fujian suburban town north of the village aotou Yang Qi eastern foot. tomb ride north west to east 34 degrees, granite stone structure, was wishful-shaped, three grave yard, an area of ​​only 200 square meters. mound of concrete quality, the former mound erected a tombstone bluestone, regular script incised: Yan Fu's tomb

health of the life domains. stone revetment. Tomb of the Qing Xuantong Department (1910), Wang Yan Fu for the burial of his late wife, so that the eldest son of Yan Boyu supervision, Yan Fu and tombstones from the book Yan Fu after the death buried their dead. Chenbao Chen epitaph for their essays, said: Purple-red to a new analysis of ancient Zhou, the dialect Yang Tan charge cloud on thousands of the provision of more front Vladimir test one thousand, former Dream prohibitively sad return air. Angry fan flying off the fire bronze, whale lizard Ba river land change. See still see the world's Jun Africa and Mongolia, throat palace grounds owned by the years, the article phosgene long Chuihong. , Tomb of the original repair center, maintain the status quo unchanged, the sides and back of the tomb was built of brick wall, 2.3 meters high, built in the tomb of puzzle 40 meters long, 2 meters high stone wall, extending two-story tomb yard, cemetery wide 40 meters,[url=http://www.moncler-online.us][b]title=moncler sale[/b][/url], 42 meters in depth. and Magnolia trees planted in the cemetery in 1986 announced a provincial cultural relics protection unit. Fuzhou bus ride 6,18,24,726,727,950 cars to Yan Fu tomb. Yan Fu's translation theory is the history of modern Chinese translation of Chinese and Western learning, landmark translator, but also China's first complete translation of the standard of the pioneers. Yan Fu

Yan Fu statue (7) absorption translation of Buddhist scriptures in ancient China essence of the idea and practice of translation in conjunction with their experience, is faithfully and accurately convey the original content; future generations of translation theory and practice of the great influence on 20th century Chinese translator almost no impact from these three words. taxes Yan Fu went to England to study naval thought,[url=http://www.uggsaleuks.co.uk/][b]title=UGG Sale[/b][/url], and translated Adam Smith's book and he taxes the functions, roles have a more profound understanding that the tax is a civic duty, and the Government after tax benefit of the people, he said, the people who also for the people. State power in the wealthy few and those who eat more, will be one years old in, there are provided the mouth the body, but for something more than animals, then there are lessons to be country. . Yan Fu advocated light important moderate taxes, Selected Works of Yan Fu sequence

Evolution and Ethics

1895 group study Sociology, , 1903, Tang poetry, descendants of Yan Fu symbiotic nine children, men and Yan Qu, Yan, Yan Hu, strict, strict blemish, women have strict, strict, strict Long, strict entry. eldest son, Yan Qu word Boyu, nicknames Ah Chang, 1874 Born in Fuzhou, 9-year-old came to Tianjin Yan Fu's side, who thanks to Zheng Xu as a teacher in 1895 to study in the UK, in 1900 returned, 1902 at the Imperial University Translation Bookstore office, the latter served in France Counsellor, Vietnam inspection officials, Guangdong province's electricity policy supervision is supervision of the financial official of Fujian. After the founding of the Republic, served as Changlu Yan Yun, the Ministry of Finance Staff Officer, Secretary, bonds, bank clean-up Russo at supervision. and later served three Northern Government Finance Minister, the National Director of salt and salt audit by the General Office and other key positions. Later, he appointed the National Government in Nanjing Finance Minister, Ministry of Justice rank of General Secretary in 1933 he was 59 years old, unemployed resident Shanghai, where the fall, the stress he has served as pseudo-Puppet Minister of Finance, but his strong-willed, would rather die than deny Puppet requirements, demonstrated a high degree of patriotism, he Poverty and ill health, died in 1942, Shanghai, three sons Xia Yan Zi Shu Hu, born in Tianjin in 1897, grew up in Yan Fu around, baby name Samantabhadra. has worked into the Tsinghua University in Beijing and Tangshan industrial special school, but half-way have been recalled Yan Fu, hire a tutor at home for 1937 Concordia University in Fujian since other school served as professor, dean, dean and cultural Dean and other staff. After the liberation of the Council served as director of Concordia University, Fuzhou University, deputy director of the Council and Provost, Vice Mayor of Fuzhou, He is also a provincial and municipal People's Congress and CPPCC members in 1957 were wrongly classified as a right,[url=http://www.uggclearancemall.com/][b]title=UGG Clearance[/b][/url], after serving in Fujian Province, College of Education, 1962, died in 1984 held in Fuzhou for his ashes placed in the ceremony, saying: life, is constantly seeking the truth, the pursuit of progressive life, the love of the party, love the motherland, uphold the socialist road of revolutionary democracy. ZANU-PF Central attended the General Assembly in 2002 established the Yan Fu House Museum restoration, specially set up a strict tert-summer exhibition room. Sun Yan Yiyun Yan Qu female eldest daughter, was born in Beijing in 1912 in Beijing Sacred Heart Girls' secondary school, was admitted to Beijing after Faculty of Education after graduation worked in the Southwest, Peking University, taught in 1947 the United States in 1956 by Cornell University Ph.D. in linguistics, she served as the University of Southern California, University of Washington in Seattle because of her academic research achievements, has been included in the Professor Dr. Gao Shuge married, they both set up in the University of Washington, World News , music teacher is currently a deputy director of Overseas Friendship Association Tangshan City, Tangshan City, veteran head of the choir. Leong made her husband, MD, renowned eye specialist. Sun Yan Qiao spectra were strict to overseas, Yan Shu Xia Changzi, 1920, was born in Fuzhou. Fukien Christian University student, joined the Chinese Communist liberation, in early 1950, to accept the organization sent, together with his wife Chien sneak into Taiwan in 1953 was arrested, locked up blessing of the Sun and other reasons, and finally lighter sentence than the others ... in Huaying Lie Xia Yan Shu eldest daughter, was born in 1924, Fuzhou, Shanghai Nanyang Model High School who attended, graduated from St. John's University Shanghai in 1946 to Taiwan, Koo Chen-fu after marriage. Pingtung farm business has been carefully, enthusiastic women and philanthropy, now Taiwan Women's Federation leaders. had accompanied her husband, former SEF chairman Koo Chen-fu of Taiwan to attend Koo-Wang talks in 1998 to Peking University, Peking University visited the 100th anniversary of the erection of Yan Fu, like, 2004 to present Fuzhou Memorial Yan Fu 150th anniversary of the General Assembly. four granddaughters strict stop cloud Yan Shu Xia second daughter, 1926 born in Fuzhou, attended Shanghai Nanyang Model High School, Shanghai, St. John's University graduate, 1948, to Taiwan, after the time for the Central News Agency Taiwan bureau chief of Yeh Ming-hsun marriage, she is a famous Taiwanese writer, pen name Kegon, the turn to crime, that love was in error. V dead celebrities cheap, Chen Ji edict grief. Tsubame days as dark, the rain came again declared the South. Linhe Ming calf sigh, Mo removal was disheartened. Yan Fu Yan Fu graduated from Fujian achievements government schools and the British Royal Navy ship Institute, has been outstanding for the selection professional is learning to teach, was transferred in 1880 in Tianjin Naval School

in the history of Yan Fu (5) Church, and long served as . Northern Naval Academy to teach, train the first batch of China's modern navy personnel, during which he translated the spent 20 years as the most glorious period of Yan Fu's life after which their work, Yan Fu repeatedly to Tianjin, he claimed to be Naval Academy has brought modern Western management thought and theory of teaching because of his serious and responsible attitude towards work, education and teaching well-managed, combined with Yan Fu Li has been said, so he was the chief teacher (Dean), will do (Vice School) has been increased to the total run (principal). Yan Fu in a letter to the four brothers Mission Hills, said: As for the boss, today's official, subject to approval by the door within the horse, make friends outside, but also be entertaining banknote, Guangtong complain, brother (Yan Fu himself) then none of the three Yan, He does not blame the official career of up or Down? Set of insignificant also. Yan Fu occasionally to try, did not think it really useful to have the fourth brother of Yan Fu's letter was not without humor, said: Naval Academy, the school 20 years for the community to develop a lot of talent, such as the Republic of China president Li Yuan-hung, president of Nankai University Zhang Boling, and the Senate put the Northern notes WANG Shao Lian (also serves as Academic Hall Zhili Speaker, Speaker of the Conference Board of Zhili), the famous translator Wu light to build such homes. touches Yan Fu himself, for his disciples to say some harsh assessment: Wu Zhao (light construction) have knowledge, and perverse disposition; Wang Shaoquan (Shao Lian) Atsuzane, and too cautious. Both, the fame, although more than Xuan He, are mediocre also. Yang Qi suburban town north of the village covered Ngau Tau eastern foot. tomb sit north 34 degrees west to east, the granite structure, was wishful-shaped, three grave yard, which covers 200 square meters. mound of concrete quality, the former erect a mound bluestone tombstone, regular script incised: funding and administrative departments in Fujian Province Sun Yan Fu Yan Yiyun female contributions, Yan Fu Tomb was repaired in 1986, announced the provincial cultural relics protection unit. Yan Fu's former residence is located in Fujian Province, Fuzhou Drum Tower District Langguan Lane, building combines late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China period style, complete renovation in 2003 House open to visitors. [2] for more entries Atlas Atlas

Yan Fu House (9)

Yan Fu's works and critical biography (5)

bronze statue of Yan Fu (7)

history of Yan Fu (5)

References 1

21 Century College English Course: Translation



Fujian Yan Fu Memorial


Extended Read: 1

Yan Fu Memorial: http://www.eelove.cn/yanfu


Yan Fu Memorial network http://yanfu.memsky.com


http: / / www.guoxue.com/master/yanfu/yf08.htm



5 < p> http://artist.artxun.com/Y/16-15464

Open Category: educator, translator, Enlightenment thinkers, Peking University, Western I have to improve, Related articles:

