
· · Porridge six trick

1, immersion: porridge rice soaked with cold water before the first half hour, so that grain expansion open. The benefit: a, boil porridge to save time since; b, stir in one direction will turn down; c, proudly porridge cakes, and good taste.
2, water pot: the general consensus we are cold porridge, while the real experts in porridge with water is, and why? You certainly have had the experience of cold porridge paste at the end of it? Water pot would not have this phenomenon, and cold porridge more than save time.
3, heat: first with the fire to boil and then simmer the mixture gently for about 30 minutes. Do not underestimate the size of the conversion of fire, the smell of porridge this out!
4, mixing: the original of which we occasionally stirring porridge, porridge paste to fear the end, now no more worried about the end of cold porridge paste, why stir it? To Mixing techniques are: boiling water stir the pot a few time, cover the pot to the text Huoao 20 minutes, stirring constantly started and lasted about 10 minutes, to crisp thick-shaped pan was up.
5, point oil: porridge we have to put oil? Yes, porridge change slow fire for about 10 minutes after the point in time into a little salad oil, you will find not only the finished soup, bright color, fresh and different kind of slippery entrance.
6, bottom, material boiling points: Most people porridge everything will fall into the habit of all poured into the pot, centuries-old porridge shop may do so. Porridge is porridge at the end of the end, material is expected, the cook boiled separately, Billy's Billy, and finally put a boiled a moment, and never more than 10 minutes. This congee proudly refreshing not muddy, everything taste and odor have not boil out. In particular, accessories for the meat and seafood, and accessories should be separated from the end of porridge.

Second, is based on personal taste, season and efficacy to a variety of their favorite stewed porridge! References are as follows:

1. 皮蛋瘦肉粥:
Ingredients: rice, tenderloin, egg, green peas.
deployment of materials: onion, ginger, cooking wine, salt, soy sauce, chicken, sesame oil.
1, rice, washing clean, and the usual porridge like (I added a few soaked green peas).
2, tenderloin marinated first with a spoonful of wine for a while, fishy.
3, then the pot boiled for a seven or eight mature can be fished, cut into Ding, with a little salt and soy sauce pickled look tasty.
4, chopped preserved eggs, the wok steamed, because students have a very particular taste preserved eggs, steamed just fine.
5, porridge is good, will be preserved eggs and lean into the, into the Cong Jiangsuan the end, continue to simmer.
6, until all the material completely Aohao, and put the chicken, a few drops of sesame oil, you can pan.

2. rice pudding:
eight kinds of ingredients: rice, glutinous rice, millet, soybeans, mung beans, red beans, red dates, longan.
1, all kinds of beans soaked overnight, rice soaked half a day, washed red dates, dried longan shell.
2, all materials by adding appropriate amount of water and rock sugar, put the casserole in the fire to boil, simmer to a thick porridge of soft rot can be.

3. Laba porridge:
material: red date, walnut, black rice, rice, corn, raisins, red beans, millet.

1, red beans, corn, soak 3-4 hours in advance.
2, other materials mixed wash.
3, mix all ingredients into pot, add enough water, boil porridge small fire can be.

4. Lily Lianzi Geng:
Tremella spent three lotus seeds 20 grams of dried lily 20 grams sugar 100 grams water 10 grams of wolfberry amount
1, the white fungus hair with warm water about half an hour after the wash, cut the roots, then hand-torn into small pieces; lotus, lily, and medlar, respectively hair with warm water.
2, torn into small pieces of white fungus into the sand pot, pour enough water, open fire to boil, the lid switch to simmer and cook for two and a half hours (be careful not to overflow the pot yo).
3, until the white fungus boil until thick, add rock sugar stir, then pour the seeds, cover and simmer for half an hour
4, and finally into the lily, and cook for 15 minutes or so that the wolfberry can turn off,[url=http://www.ireland-ugg.com/][b]title=UGG Boots[/b][/url], the white fungus soup cooked food into the refrigerator after taste super praise yo.

1, Tremella boiled for a long time before viscous, it is recommended that the family have a pressure cooker to cook with a pressure cooker, exhaust after the fire and then simmer for a half with the minimum hours to be yo.
2, lotus, lily cooking time not too long, otherwise it into powder, but the seeds in the pot before the lily, and finally into the wolfberry, wolfberry into early will produce sour.

5. beauty papaya soup:
materials: red dates, longan, wolfberry, red raisins, papaya, Thai glutinous rice, yellow rock sugar
1, cook dates. I did not soak dates well in advance, it takes the longest to cook, so boiled. This time you can cook the longan, wolfberry, red raisins (raisins with green as possible) taking a dip with water. Well, if you pre-soak red dates, this step can be saved directly to the rice pot won.
2, dates put cooked rice can be a little swollen, but do not put much rice will be issued to open and play the rest of the ingredients have to leave places.
3, cook rice directly to longan pulp, wolfberry, papaya, yellow rock sugar to cook to put the satisfaction of, uh,, and then put the raisins in the porridge cooked, after a long period of raisins cooked a bit sour.

Lily porridge dates:

material: glutinous rice 30 diligence and frugality, Lily 9 grams, jujube 10, the amount of sugar.

1, first open the blisters with a lily, to support part of the bitter brew.
2, glutinous rice scouring the net, and lilies, red dates porridge simmer slowly, add sugar Serve
chicken porridge:
(1) chicken breast cut into filaments, salt and oil marinate for a while; boiled white rice, half-cooked into the chicken, stir the cook; porridge fast is good, put some ginger and green vegetables and other seasonings, salt. Remove from heat, drink.
(2) are points (plus a dish of white rice porridge and the maximum difference): Cai Yu must not be a long time plus cook. Soak rice after washing to ten minutes, and then crushed with a rolling pin to control the way in most of the half a tablet. This porridge short time, taste good, so-called
(3) important tips (may we all know): porridge with water plus enough time, not add water twice.
(4) If using chicken, cut into Ding, a small pan, add onion, close to Guangzhou,

squid porridge:

the squid, garlic, are stir fried in the pan first, stir the fragrance.
a good time until the porridge first place squid, wait a minute, add garlic and stir well, coriander, to also put some beautiful gourd Luobo Ding, very small, that smell is very fragrant, right, Do not forget the salt and chicken.

Guangzhou porridge is actually good taste of the material put to boil, then boil until the time on it. The material on

with personal hobbies (such as: beef, pork slices, fish, etc., if you like, then you can add a little ginger and green onion)

PS; cooking time for each preferably not too much weight, a bowls like, more cooked weight material will be too far a long time.

first with bone soup, soup to porridge and then that would be particularly tasty, but also very nutritious.

preserved egg porridge to join pieces of preserved eggs, add salt when the pot , green onion, and pepper, a matter of personal taste it. Focus is porridge to boil well.

porridge dates:

dates has a good tonic effect, the nature of peace, to nourishing the nerves, for Jiubingtixu weak spleen and stomach were taken.

dates porridge sweet and delicious, treat the infirm, the sick back empty, two blood loss, malnutrition, spleen and stomach, anemia, and protect the role of the liver.

porridge dates for skin care is a great benefit.

Methods: jujube 50 grams, 100 grams of rice, cook the porridge, morning and evening warm take.

mountain ones:

yam sweet peace, a peaceful nature of nourishing spleen, lung, kidney food. According to modern medical research, yam contains amylase, choline, phlegmatic, sugar, protein and free amino acids, fat, carbohydrates, vitamin C and iodine, calcium and phosphorus. Yam contained amylase, it was called the

because it can break down proteins and carbohydrates, so there are nourishing effect. The elderly in the regular consumption of mountains in the spring ones, benefit a lot.

Methods: dried yam chip 45 to 60 grams, or 100 to 200 grams of fresh yam slices, and 100 grams of rice with the porridge, breakfast and dinner food.

sesame black sesame porridge
amount, washing clean, dry fry ground up, each taking 30g, lOOg with rice congee with set pot, add water, this porridge with added liver and kidney, the efficacy of moisture five internal organs, for frail, early white hair, dry stools, chronic constipation by eating.

longan porridge:
longan meat, 30e, rice 100eI cook for porridge. Longan, also known as longan, with nourishing blood, raising gas sedative effect, it is often as a winter tonic to share, for the loss of tonic treatment.

milk porridge: 100-day rice washing clean wok, add water according to regular method porridge, when the rice will be boiled, into the milk 300g Shaozhu Serve. Milk rich in protein and vitamins and minerals, and rice porridge made with a special milk with food.

fungus porridge
Material: jelly 60 grams, 100 grams of rice.
jelly foam wash with water. After scouring the net rice, into the pot and add water to a boil, then add white fungus, boil congee, transferred some of the sugar Serve.
This porridge Yin fluid, lungs and stomach, qi and blood, can be cured consumptive cough, bloody sputum, Yin thirsty.

chicken congee.

material: a small hen, ginger, rice.
practice: open water, chicken, cooked with water once again open, scoop out the top chicken fat, the rice under the ginger. Cook chicken bone separation, rice soft.
absolutely fragrant! ! !


materials: all kinds of beans. Can be Meidou, wheat, mung bean, sesame and so on.
practice: and m the same place, pot.

raw sugar lotus porridge

Ingredients: glutinous rice 250 g
Ingredients: lotus 100 grams net
spices: sugar 200 g
practice: ① glutinous rice Amoy clean with water, drain, into the boiling water will cook rice porridge made of.
② net seeds after initial processing, remove the red, poke lotus, and then steamed on the tray, although
③ stir the pot by adding water to 2500 g, glutinous rice, steamed lotus seeds, add sugar into the pot , a small fire brewed Shulan into porridge.

licorice bean porridge - this product detoxification, can be eaten cold or hot to eat.

Ingredients: rice, 150 grams
ingredients: green bean 50 grams, 50 grams of licorice
spices: the amount of sugar
practice: ① rice with water scouring the net, drain
② green bean to remove impurities, washed with water, drain and washed with licorice
③ gauze packs into smaller
④ pot stir on the package of licorice into the water, boil the water into a golden yellow, Add green beans and then boiling, add rice, boiled, into porridge by adding sugar, mix thoroughly and serve.
characteristics: color, yellow; pleasant fragrance; sweet and delicious.

millet porridge, brown sugar, raw materials:
Ingredients: 100 grams of millet
ingredients: brown sugar
practice: ① high quality millet with water washing clean, drain.
② set each on a pan, add millet and water, after boiling congee Man Manao low heat, add brown sugar and mix thoroughly, and then boiling Serve.

mountain grapes lotus porridge

Ingredients: 100 grams of rice, rice 50 grams, 50 grams of rice.
Ingredients: yam 30 grams raisins 30 grams, Seasoning: sugar (sugar) amount.
① glutinous rice, rice, rice, with water scouring the net, drain.
② yam scrub clean with water, slashing the skin, cut into small grain of rice, lotus seed coat membrane removed, disclosing lotus, raisins, washed with water; a little water and then soak, wash.
③ set each on a pan, add rice, rice, rice, yams D, lotus seeds and meat,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/][b]title=Monster Store[/b][/url], and low heat after boiling water boiled, the five mature add raisins, sugar (white sugar) are dissolved that tune percent.

jujube lotus porridge

Ingredients: 100 grams of rice, rice 50 grams
Ingredients: 30 red dates, lotus seeds 50 grams
spices: rock candy (sugar) amount
① glutinous rice, rice with water scouring the net, drain
② dates soaked with water and a little swelling, lotus seeds processed by disclosing the core wash.
③ set each on a pan, add water to 5000 g, glutinous rice, rice, lotus seeds with cooking, after boiling, simmer, add to rice five mature red dates, rock sugar (white sugar) until the sugar transfer are melting can be.

porridge dates

gelatin material:
Ingredients: rice 60 g
ingredients: gelatin 30 grams, jujube 30
spices: sugar amount.
① rice with water scouring the net, drain.
② gelatin into the research body, pounded fragments, Wei Huo set pan, add water and gelatin fragments, stewed into sauce.
③ set each on a pan, add rice and water, after boiling, boiling down to eight mature low heat adding gelatin juice and dates, sugar and continue to boil congee.

raw sugar white fungus soup:
Ingredients: 100 grams of rice
Ingredients: Tremella 50 grams seasoning: crystal sugar.
① rice with water washing clean, drain.
② thus placed in the bowl of warm water soak, soak hair net impurity and ears after the pick, then rinse, drain, cut into small pieces.
③ pan add rice and stir on the white fungus, water, boiling down to low heat after boiling into a porridge block when adding rock sugar, then cook until sugar dissolved juice, glutinous rice into a thin porridge

preserved eggs Rouzhou

Ingredients: rice, 350 grams
ingredients: preserved 6, 500 g pork, coriander
spices: salt, onion, ginger segment, aniseed < br> approach:
① pig meat washed with water, picked off the fascia, cut into thin slices, with salt, onion, ginger, aniseed cooked.
② preserved egg remove the shell, washed and cut into very fine, coriander leaves cut into small pieces.
③ rice with water washing clean, drain.
④ set each on a pan, add water, boiling down into the rice, cook 20 minutes into the porridge, add diced meat, preserved eggs, grain, salt, and mix thoroughly, adding a spoonful of parsley segment can be eaten
< br> shrimp rice

Ingredients: rice, 250 grams
Ingredients: 150 grams net shrimp, spinach segment a little
spices: salt, onion, ginger, aniseed
① Drain the rice with water and scouring the net
② net shrimp, rinse with water, mud pick to the intestines, then rinse, drain, into the micro-pot, add water shrimp, onions, ginger, aniseed and cook until half-cooked
③ stir the pot, add water, boiling down into the rice, then low heat after boiling, add the instant when boiling down to get shrimp and cook until half cooked and then burned When boiling, add a little salt and adjust seasoning and serve.

crab porridge

Ingredients: Selenium 100 grams of rice, crab three
spices: salt amount
① Rice wash clean with water, drain.
② fresh crab, washed, peeled, to the gills, cut feet, the Crab out, one end of a knife cut crab legs, crab meat and then roll out the rod.
③ to add rice, stir the pot, use a small Huoao after boiling congee, add crab meat and crab roe, modulation even with the instant when adding a little salt, put a little when eating parsley.

turtle soup ingredients:
Ingredients: enriched rice, 100 grams
ingredients: a turtle
spices: ginger, spring onion, cooking wine , Ji sugar, salt, pepper, the amount
① rice with water washing clean, drain and
② turtle backs next on the chopping block, until their head stuck out immediately, Duoqu head, tail terms Duoqu claws, with eight mature a little hot water, scrape off the black, eviscerated, cleaned with water, then cut into small pieces.
③ set each on a pan, add turtle blocks and chicken broth, cooking wine, ginger, spring onion, simmer to a fish when Shulan, then add rice, congee and then boil over low heat after boiling, then add salt, pepper and serve.

vegetable beef soup Vegetable beef soup

ingredients: beef - 40 grams of rice - 1 / 4 bowl, spinach - 1, broth - 1 / 2 cup potatoes , carrots, onion - 1 / 5, the salt - if

system of law (1) Prepare meat and ground beef. (2) spinach, carrots,[url=http://www.in-moncler.com][b]title=Monclers[/b][/url], onions, and mashed potatoes Dunshu. (3) rice, vegetables and minced meat into the pot boiling, and salt seasoning.

02 tofu porridge
raw materials: rice - 1 / 6 bowl, broth - 1 / 2 cup tofu, 1 / 10, salt - several
system of law ( 1) tofu cut into small pieces.
(2) the rice, broth, tofu pot of water on the cook.
(3) cook until thick, when adding the right amount of salt.

03 eggs, porridge
ingredients: eggs - 1 / 2 carrot - 1 / 5, spinach - 1, rice - 1 / 4 bowl, broth - 1 / 2 cups of salt - if
system of law (1) Dunshu chopped carrots and spinach.
(2) the rice, broth and chopped carrots, spinach into the pot and cook.
(3) after the boil and stir into the batter chopped open, seasoning with salt.

04 raw vegetables and fish porridge
: fish, white meat - 30 grams, carrots - 1 / 5, kelp broth - 1 / 2 cup carrot - 20 grams of soy sauce - a number, m
rice - 1 / 4 bowl
system of law (1) fish bones tick the net, fish Dunshu and mashed.
(2) the radish, carrot dish with a clean eraser is good.
(3) the rice, seaweed soup and fish, vegetables, etc. into the pot and cook.
(4), when placed in soy sauce and cook until thick.

cheese soup ingredients: rice - 1 / 6 bowls of water - 1 / 2 cup cheese - 5 grams
system of law (1) cheese chopped.
(2) the wok, add appropriate amount of boiled rice.
(3) into the cheese and cook until thick, when the, when the cheese started to melt off the fire.

06 peas porridge
raw materials: rice - 1 / 4 bowl, peas - 5, milk - 1 / 4 cup salt - several
system of law (1) peas cooked with water, mashed and filtered.
(2) in rice in the boiling pot, add water to use.
(3) into the milk and after peas, and cook the mixture gently.
(4) salt to taste.

07 walnut porridge
raw materials: rice - 1 / 3 cup walnuts - 5, red dates - 1, salt - several
system of law (1) the nutcracker open to flesh out, soaked in water, stripped of its thin-skinned and mashed.
(2) the red dates and water soaked mashed.
(3) the walnuts, dates, rice, add water on a small pot.
(4) cooked with salt to taste.

08 apple porridge
material: rolled oats - 3 tablespoons milk - 1 / 4 cup apple - 1 / 6, carrots - 1 / 3
system method (1) Wash the apples and carrots and use a good eraser wiping dishes.
(2) will be a good oatmeal and rub 1 tablespoon carrot into the pot, pour the milk and 1 / 4 cup of water simmer. (3) and then into the open cooking
good rub 2 tablespoons apple until boiled.

09 milk porridge
raw fish: fish white meat - 1 / 6, milk - 1 tablespoon salt - several
system of law (1) lift the fish drop-clean, stew cooked and mashed.
(2) the fish on the pot boiled milk, Riga, after seasoning with salt.

10 raw taro porridge
: Taro - 1 / 2, broth - 1 tablespoon soy sauce - several
system of law (1) taro skin peeled cut into small pieces , with salt over and then washed.
(2) After the mashed taro Dunlan and filter.
(3) the broth and taro on the small pot, stirring from time to time to look.
(4) Cook until thick, add soy sauce.

raw potato soup: Potatoes - 1 / 3 of milk - 2 tablespoons, cooked egg yolk - 1 / 4, salt - several
system of law (1) Peel the potatoes, Dunlan, mashed and filtered.
(2) the potatoes with milk simmer, and stir gently, after a thick salt.
(3) the egg yolks mashed potatoes on the mud.

12 cheese bread and porridge
materials: staple bread - 1, milk - 2 / 3 cup cheese powder - 1 / 2 teaspoon
system of law (1) the staple bread After the cut edge torn to pieces.
(2) pieces of bread and milk to simmer, cook paste, sprinkled with cheese powder.
cake can also be used to make cakes instead of bread, porridge.

raw carrot yogurt soup: carrot --1/10 of flour - 1 tsp, cabbage - 10 grams of yogurt - 1 tablespoon broth - 3 tablespoons Huang
oil - some
system of law (1) cabbage and carrots into filaments to Dunlan.
(2) flour and fry in butter to look, add broth, vegetables and cook, stirring and light.
(3) After cooling, the materials with good stew marinated with yogurt, tomato soup

14 ingredients: tomatoes - 1 / 8, rice - 1 / 4 bowl, kelp broth - -1 / 2 cup, salt - several
system of law (1) tomatoes soaked in boiling water, then remove the peel to the flesh, chopped.
(2) into the rice and seaweed soup pot is boiling.
(3) cooked add tomato, salt to taste.

raw chicken soup: chicken breast meat - 10 grams of rice - 1 / 4 bowl, kelp broth - 1 / 2 cup spinach - 10 grams of soy sauce, sugar - - If
system of law (1) to the tendons of the chicken breast meat, cut into small pieces, marinated with soy sauce and sugar look.
(2) Dunshu and chopped spinach.
(3) seaweed broth to cook rice with the look, then add chicken and cook spinach.

16 clam porridge
red seaweed ingredients: red clam - 2, dried wakame - 20 grams of rice - 1 / 4 cup
system of law (1) red Soak clams and wakame open net after water and wring chopped.
(2) Mega will be soaked with the right amount of water into the grinding mill.
(3) ratio of 1:10 m and the water will be fine, add wakame and red clam cook.
(4) after cooked seasoning salt.

17 sweet potato porridge
raw eggs: sweet potato - 1 / 6 eggs - 1, milk - 2 tablespoons
system of law (1) sweet potato, peeled, Dunlan and mashed.
(2) the eggs boiled egg yolk mashed.
(3) sweet potato mud milk simmer, stirring from time to time.
(4) thick when placed in egg yolk, and stir well.

18 chestnut porridge
ingredients: chestnuts - 5, kelp broth - 1 / 2 cup
system of law (1) chestnuts boiled, peeled, mashed.
(2) seaweed broth to boil, add chestnuts and cook.
chestnuts can be strong gastrointestinal function, helps digestion. Infant diarrhea eating chestnuts, better.

raw vegetable soup: beef - 20 grams of rice - 1 / 3 cup carrots, onions - some, sesame oil, soy sauce - several
system of law (1) rice Wash well with blisters, beef, carrots, onions chopped.
(2) with sesame oil in the pan fried beef, fried rice, re-soaked.
(3) to a certain extent by adding rice fry carrots and water, boiled with slow fire, then soy sauce.

miso soup ingredients: rice - 1 small bowl of miso - 1 / 2 tsp, carrots, onions, spinach - some
system of law (1) carrots, onions, spinach, cut into pieces.
(2) vegetable broth plus cooking, then add rice and cook.
(3) after amplification cooked sauce seasoning.

raw carrot soup: Prepare carrots (carrots) amount
production: Wash the carrots into the steamer to remove the root to be steamed on steamed rice pounded into a rotten remove let cool mud
If a child can be a little like eating sweets sugar
characteristics: fragrance palatability carrot sweet nature, the power of the spleen to aid digestion and contains carotene, B vitamins
fat carbohydrates which contain a large number of pectin convergence and the adsorption can be suppressed in children with diarrhea after eating to inhibit intestinal motility
diarrhea caused by indigestion is very suitable

pork tenderloin fillet porridge is back on the pig meat
ancient people had as their sweet-medicinal Xianping pork rich in protein and contains more calcium and phosphorus compounds, carbon and water
iron and other nutrients to prevent malnutrition
ingredients: pork tenderloin 100 grams, 100 grams of rice flour, a little salt, sesame oil Chuanjiao
production: pork tenderloin, cut into small pieces first put the pan fried with sesame oil and then add rice porridge congee
The overripe add salt pepper Serve
then boil seasoning powder characteristics: porridge with oil and spices taste great meaty benefit human children eat this porridge to prevent the occurrence of anemia

longan seeds porridge
< br> [raw material] lotus seeds 20 grams of longan meat 10 grams, 50 grams of rice.
[approach] to take lotus seeds, longan meat, rice with congee.
[usage] 2 times a day, hot food.
[role] make up Heart, benefit qi and blood. For blood loss anemia.
[commentary] longan nourishing, not long use; Jun seeds can not level up, you can Jiufu. Desk reading, labor sad spleen, impaired memory, Notani not fragrant, could eat lotus porridge.

Bozi porridge

[raw material] Bozi 15 grams, 100 grams of rice, honey.
[practice] first Bozi remove the skin, shell, impurities, mash, and rice porridge, porridge would be when blended with honey, can Shaozhu boil.
[usage] twice daily for 3 days.
[role] laxative, uneasiness of mind. For palpitations, insomnia, forgetfulness, constipation, chronic constipation or senile.
[commentary] Bozi Gan Ping, uneasiness of mind, Yin Liver, spleen and intestines Shu, beauty black hair and so on. Bozi 14% fatty oil, a small amount of volatile oil, saponins and other substances, for the commonly used sedative tonic medicine.

Suanzaoren porridge

[raw material] Semen end of 15 grams, 100 grams of rice.
[approach] the first to rice porridge to be cooked with water, cook for a moment to join the end of Semen.
[usage] morning and evening, warm clothes.
[role] to support the heart, nerves, sweating. For neurasthenia, heart palpitations, insomnia, dreams, black eye.
[commentary] Semen end in sour and sweet taste buds into the porridge, very popular. Semen can be used raw with fried, scrambled time is too often can damage the active ingredients. Desirable Suanzaoren Wei Chao moment into powder, the family used a rolling pin grinding.

Zaoren millet porridge

[raw material] 100 grams of millet, Semen end of 15 grams, honey 40 grams.
[approach] to millet porridge water to be cooked, add Semen end, stir well and boil.
[usage] 2 times a day, honey, warm clothes.
[role] Spleen moistening, Anshen. Attending food is not satisfied incense, restless sleep last night, dry stool.
[commentary] Semen can Anshen, millet can Spleen Yang Xin. Semen Wei Chao at the moment the pot into powder and used a rolling pin grinding family.
. mung bean porridge
[raw material]
green beans 30g, rice 100g
1. Green beans, rice washing clean.
2. Green beans, rice into the pot, add water about 500g, cook until rice sticky rotten juice from the fire when you can eat. Take 1-2 times daily.
containing protein 13.6g, Fat 0.65g, Carbohydrate 95.7g, calcium 39mg, phosphorus 25.9mg, Iron 2.7mg, vitamin A0.20 international units of vitamin B10.2mg, vitamin B21. 5mg, Niacin 0.6mg, yields up heat 453kcal.
mung bean is a very good hot weather food, to heat summer heat, detoxify and eliminate pain, diuretic dehumidification, matched with the rice, congee, but also spleen Qi, nourishing fluid, really hot weather in summer and high quality goods, and because this product is not too cold, not cold stagnation stomach spleen, postpartum heatstroke, hot weather to share.

seven. ginkgo porridge:
benefits strength, completed five internal organs, anti-aging, elderly, infirm preferred. Eat normal fitness. The family should eat.
ginkgo kernel (peeled blanched in boiling water to within the seed coat) 6-10 tablets, a small amount of crystal sugar, rice, 2 2, the amount of water at the same time into the pot, simmer and cook top. Minced into a paste with rice can. Ginkgo should
sugar and other light sweet rice class match, such as ginkgo rice pudding, green bean porridge ginkgo, ginkgo Adenophora lotus porridge, candy, rock sugar, white sugar is appropriate.

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