
Reproduced 18 kinds of common indoor plants effect

1: Drip Guanyin: the effect of dust has cleared the air.

(Tips: dripping Guanyin toxic white sap inside the stem, drops of water is toxic, touching or eating the wrong juice, can cause throat and mouth discomfort, stomach have burning feeling It should be special attention to prevent children eating, but not dripping Guanyin are carcinogenic plant.)

2: Africa Jasmine: the volatile oils have significant bactericidal the role. Allows people to relax, help sleep, but also improve efficiency.

3: white palm: Inhibition of human exhaled gas, such as ammonia and acetone, while it also can filter the benzene,[url=http://www.uggoutletmallonline.com][b]title=UGG Outlet Store[/b][/url], TCE, and formaldehyde. Its high evaporation rate can prevent nasal drying, so that greatly reduce the possibility of illness.

4: Silver Queen: with its unique air purification ability is known: the higher the concentration of pollutants in the air, the more it can play its purification capacity! So it is ideal for dark room with poor ventilation.

5: maidenhair fern: about 20 micrograms per hour can absorb formaldehyde, it is considered the most effective biological All day and paint, paint to deal with those who, like smoking or surrounded by people in the workplace should at least put a pot of ferns. In addition, it can inhibit the release of computer monitors and printers of xylene and toluene.

6: wood duck feet: to bring fresh air smoking households. Blades can be absorbed from the smoke-filled air, nicotine and other harmful substances,[url=http://www.sale-ugg.us/][b]title=UGG Sale[/b][/url], and through photosynthesis, convert it to harmless substances in the plant's own. In addition, it is about an hour can reduce the concentration of 9 mg of formaldehyde.

7: Chlorophytum: 95% of the air can absorb carbon monoxide and 85% formaldehyde.
Chlorophytum can be carried out in the faint light photosynthesis, spider plants can absorb toxic gases in the air, a pot of Chlorophytum in the 8 to 10 square meters is equivalent to a room air purifier. usually in the room raised 1 to 2 pots of spider plants can release oxygen in 24 hours, while in the air to absorb formaldehyde, styrene, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and other carcinogenic substances. Chlorophytum the absorption of certain hazardous substances particularly strong, such as air, carbon monoxide and formaldehyde were mixed to achieve 95% and 85%. Chlorophytum can decomposition of benzene, cigarette smoke absorb nicotine and other harmful substances relatively stable, so is also known as spider plants, green indoor air purifier.

8: Aloe: Aloe is equivalent to a pot biological air cleaners
nine aloe plants have air purification experts in the world. a pot of aloe vera is equivalent to nine biological air cleaners, can absorb formaldehyde, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide and other harmful substances, especially the absorption of formaldehyde particularly strong. lighting conditions in 4 hours .. a pot of aloe vera can remove one square meter of air in 90% formaldehyde, can kill harmful microorganisms in the air, and can absorb the dust on the clean room environment plays a significant role when the indoor harmful Aloe leaves the air is too high there will be spots, which is the signal for help as long as pots of aloe vera in the room to increase the indoor air quality will become normal.

9: turtle Bamboo back: the night to absorb carbon dioxide, improve air quality air purification function
Monstera Some slightly weak, it is not like spider plants. Aloe Vera is versatile clean up the air, but Monstera clear the air on the more obvious effects of formaldehyde In addition, Monstera has the effect of carbon dioxide absorbed night. to improve indoor air quality, increase the oxygen content of much help. Monstera general plants with large, elegant. Lichtung leaves and more beautiful, so is a ideal types of indoor plants. Monstera fruit is ripe you can cook. smell like pineapple or banana.

10: Ivy: absorb formaldehyde champion.
often Ivy is the most effective absorption of formaldehyde in indoor plants per square meter of ivy leaves can absorb formaldehyde, 1.48 mg and 2 pots of adult ivy leaves a total area of ​​approximately 0.78 square meters, while ivy can absorb benzene toxic and hazardous substances, 24-hour indoor lighting conditions can absorb 90% of benzene, according to speculation, 10 square meters room, just put 2-3 pots of ivy can purify the air. It can also adsorbed particles the dust.

11: rubber tree: the elimination of harmful substances is a versatile
rubber tree plant to eliminate harmful versatile. the air of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, hydrogen fluoride and other harmful gases a certain resistance. rubber tree can remove particulate matter pollution, indoor dust Dust can play an effective role.

12: asparagus: the eradication of bacteria and virus protection umbrella
asparagus with aromatic plants have anti-bacterial ingredients, you can clear the air of bacteria and viruses, with health care function, so the smell of asparagus with the release of bactericidal power of beneficial bacteria in addition, bears have very high drug with the value of digging its fleshy root wash away dust and dirt above. that is to use fresh or dried for use. leafy branches as used with the mining. have a cough lungs cooling detoxification.

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13: Zongzhu: the elimination of heavy metal pollution and carbon dioxide
Zongzhu similar functionality Monstera. belong to the same large-leafed ornamental plants Zongzhu able to absorb more than 80% of a variety of harmful gas, purify the air. At the same time eliminate the heavy metal pollution and Zongzhu also have some resistance to sulfur dioxide pollution, the role of course as a huge leaf foliage plants, the biggest feature is that they have the general plant can not match the digestive function of carbon dioxide and produce oxygen.

14: lucky bamboo: the health of plants suitable for the bedroom
lucky bamboo is not always open the window can help improve air quality in ventilated rooms, with a disinfection function, especially the bedroom, lucky bamboo can be effectively absorption of gas, so that privacy of the bedroom environment improved.

15: Pachira: against tobacco combustion exhaust.
Pachira evergreen, the release of toxic gases through photosynthesis oxygen can be more effective absorption of carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide pollution, the emissions generated by burning tobacco resistance to a certain role.

16: Green Carrot: to improve air quality to eliminate harmful substances. Scindapsus of vitality, the ability to absorb harmful substances is also very strong, can not always open the window to help improve air quality in ventilated rooms. Scindapsus but also the elimination of formaldehyde and other harmful substances, its function as much as ivy, spider plants.

17: Cactus: The best plants to reduce the electromagnetic radiation has a strong anti-inflammatory
cactus sterilization role in dealing with pollution, the cactus is the best plants to reduce the electromagnetic radiation in addition cactus absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen at night. Placed inside the room at night cactus, you can add oxygen, conducive to sleep.

18: Clivia: the release of oxygen, the absorption of smoke refreshing Clivia
an adult, one day and night absorption of 1 liter of air, the release of 80% of the oxygen in the extremely faint light photosynthesis can occur. Carbon dioxide at night it will not be distributed in two or three dozen square meters of indoor potted Clivia can be absorbed into the smoke room, especially the cold northern winter, the windows and doors closed, the indoor air does not flow,[url=http://www.uggsaleuks.co.uk/][b]title=UGG UK[/b][/url], Clivia will play a very the role of good air conditioning. to keep indoor air fresh.

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