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running shoes in the field of knowledge
2011-10-25, if you ignore the quality and condition of running shoes, we run the more negative impact on us the greater. Therefore, this type of necessary equipment to buy, please do not mean. The money to buy a good pair of running shoes, put on a pair than wear old shoes for running and had to go to podiatrist or orthopedic spent much less money.
In fact, running shoes only have a dampening effect of the movable platform, athlete's foot can safely touch the ground. Boston Marathon participants early transformed wearing sandals, the shoes of the weight, and hardness has been well improved. In track and field, some athletes wearing running shoes with spikes. Other athletes are wearing custom-made for his own special leather shoes. Jim Peters is the first Marathon exceeded 2 hours and 20 minutes of the British. He was wearing shoes at the time known as athletic shoes, the shoes, light weight, the same as the white tennis shoes, and now wear the shoes, running a marathon, is considered a cruel and unusual punishment.
modern running shoes, like the mid-1970s revolution in the first running shoes, as the texture is very light. New materials, production technology has been greatly improved, this new material better when the feet touch the ground to reduce vibration, motion control technology is developed to the top.
If you are running just to participate in sports, whether you are 50 years old or 65 years old, running before you look you can find samples of sports shoes, to find a more suitable for you, if necessary, write down what you want of shoes. Fortunately, a lot of store sales are running enthusiast, he (she) fascinated by these shoes, often on their own to sell shoes to study, understand them as much as possible in order to become a high-level shoe salesman . In most cases, I wear my shoes to meet the special physical needs, the price is cheaper.
as you buy a new car, like a pair of shoes when spend as much time to try all kinds of sports shoes. After all we are trying to protect themselves in the foot, ankle, knee and hip joints. Most good running shoe store will allow you to try on their shoes, then you can run laps around the obstacle, is not a good feeling to see. Of course, if you are not sure, you can put on the sample shoes on the road a few miles away.
we need to know is: Fifty-year-old man in a pair of shoes than to consider his or her niece, nephew much more complex. With age, the feet bear the weight of the body will change, it may become a perennial victim of fashion. I just used to describe those poor feet into the shoes of a friend. This situation should be more women than men. 50-year-old woman in the survey, the foot is common. Because at a young age, they spend the majority of people have a lot of time dedicated to the pursuit of fashion. Here are two typical examples of abuse of the foot: one is too small for his feet hard into the shoes; the other is wearing high heels.
for those who do not participate in running of the elderly, the development of production technology and shoe laces to wear running shoes were abandoned their main reason. And wear compared to their previous, current running shoes like the foot of the clouds.
a lot of people wearing the most popular running shoes running, walking indoors, and then they throw in the corner ─ ─ even if these shoes inner tube in the rain they faithfully walked 5 miles the muddy road. In order to extend your foot, ankle,[url=http://www.uggsbootsclearance4u.com/]UGG Shop[/url], leg, knee's life should be a good care of your shoes. You must also have a fit of running shoes, a pair of shoes so bad at the time, can optionally replace. Frequent replacement of shoes, so that your feet will greatly reduce the chance of injury, because if you do not replace, the angle of the foot to nearly the same impact again and again to repeat the contact surface, it is easily injured.
monitor your shoes life. If they are wearing bad, half the heel is worn away, or soles of the air bag has been damaged, then they would buy a pair of investment. Older runners in a pair of shoes in the process of conservative tendencies. Your running shoes can not be considered in your savings accumulation. It is to be replaced when needed. When you find a style especially for you, put it buy it. Once you find a better running shoes, you do not want to re-use the original pair, and this is an eternal truth. Running compared to other sports is a relatively inexpensive sport. To make you comfortable to continue running, without the interference of injuries and maintain good condition, please wear a pair of running shoes a good fit.
If you buy low-quality or damaged shoes, then you will not run the foundation (basic endurance, strength and speed). Do not have to buy the most expensive shoes, just buy a more physiological basis for your shoes. You change your endurance base when you want to change your shoes. In short, do not ill-treat your feet, they need to buy good shoes. If you do not do it, believe me, they will let you know: you just how bad they are!
high-tech running shoes in the world
high tech production and selected materials, but also very complex. This makes a general runner running shoe store to buy new athletic shoes have become overwhelmed. For most of the more mature runners, they do not need to be very hard to go along with the development of high-tech, they just choose a good, affordable, fully functional running shoes.
simply because there are some goods, shoes shelf sound, bright colors and even interior decoration afraid to back down is not necessary, there is no need to increase the budget to buy only because of special and shape become more expensive shoes.
When you want to buy a new pair of shoes, the best advice is to do first survey. Locate the most recent evaluation of the article to read about running shoes, running shoes feature a variety of familiar description is valuable. Magazines usually show the basic style running shoes, running shoes and then explain the various methods used to consider a variety of different metabolic characteristics and the weight of the body. For example: a 135-pound male athlete of the shoe's cushioning devices than 205 pounds Male Athlete of the shock absorber is much smaller, it is very logical.
know some basic knowledge about running shoes is very important. However, the most basic terms is to understand the soles. It is from the outside soles,[url=http://www.uggclearanceau.com/]UGG Boots Clearance Sale[/url], in three layers within the. These three features are all different.
outer layer is directly connecting with the ground, usually made of rubber, rubber sole and the ground through repeated contact with the ground friction, wear, usually from the heel. Middle bear the weight of the athlete's body and its pressure in the ground, its role is to absorb the pressure of the earth as much as possible, re-use, mid-level compression damping material until it's ability to reduce. By the relatively light inner mat and fixed material composition, directly affected by foot because the impact and friction gradually being worn.
most high-tech damping coefficient (air,[url=http://www.uggclearanceuks.com/]ugg clearance uk[/url], gel, etc.) is just a variation on the theme, namely: how do we reduce the impact with the ground forces.
practice recommendations:
Here are a few points in a pair of shoes and usually use the recommendations to keep in mind:
1. the reputation of good running shoes in a store to buy shoes, you may be at a discount of more than store a little more money to spend, but you enjoy the treatment as opposed to the money you spend for value for money. When you tell your waiter while running shoe habits and physical characteristics, he or she will give you according to the characteristics of your proposal. You spend at least half an hour in the store choose a variety of running shoes running shoes. Usually you can bring your used shoes before, attendant on that pair of shoes can give you more, a wise proposal.
2. If you want to use some complementary tools to make shoes more fit, then try your new shoes in a store when you have to put these tools and put it in the right place, so that attendants can judge you try on the shoes of the number, the shoes have extra space to accommodate these devices.
3. Typically, a pair of shoes than you actually want to buy some big shoes to wear. That is your longest toe to toe is still half an inch away from the distance. There are two reasons: the downhill run, your foot to slide forward, the toes have a certain space, when the slide shoe will not run into the forefront. In addition, if you wanted to run a longer distance, then your feet to expand, expand, and must have enough space to accommodate it. If your shoes do not have space to accommodate your feet, it will be due to friction and irritation or blistering.
4. at any time should have a few pairs of spare shoes, wear shifts. Never mind staring at a pair of shoes to wear to excessive wear, it is easy to make you hurt. This older runners, becomes even more important because they can not recover as fast as the young fatigue, so more susceptible to fatigue and injury.
5. When you find a very suitable for your shoes, you can spend some money saved up to buy a few pairs, as soon as you find your feet fit to wear the shoes, the market has no such shoes sold. And shop sales workers stay in touch so that you can learn in time for your shoes that kind of money changes. Vendors have been in touch with the manufacturers, and often will be certain to stop the production of shoes make some warning recommendations. This is for you, as an early warning system, the time to your shoes. Once the decision to make because of the manufacturers, vendors, often by way of discounts to clear the backlog in the warehouse of the shoe, the shoe company for you, this behavior is a real savings, but also a new stimulus means of storing your shoes.
6. be careful of your shoes. If you are running on the dirt, put your shoes dirty, you have to wash them. Light should be careful not to wash the wet shoes on the dryer drying. Use newspaper to wrap wet shoes (to absorb moisture), the mild wet shoes in the sun [but not hot) dry place. This method also applies to wet in the rain rain shoes. This is why no matter at what time, rotation of shoes to be one of the reasons. Do not make your shoes dry out quickly, as this will quickly damage your shoes.
7. Check your shoes defects. Hard to believe how many runners is by observing the situation to evaluate the upper pair of running shoes are also available. Still be able to continue to use a pair of shoes, does not explain the upper is the problem. And there are two very important points: the middle and outer soles and absorption material to absorb the pressure, when the outer layer of rubber to reach the middle, when worn, these shoes on the rest. Difficult to evaluate the inner pressure of shoes, but by the feeling of shoes can be found when it is beyond its useful life. Usually one pair of good shoes to use for how long? This includes many factors, including your body weight, the way you run, shoe style,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/monster-beats-solo-c-13.html]Monster Beats Solo[/url], and so on. But generally speaking, a pair of running shoes can run about 500 miles away.
force of running this community from Quanzhou reproduced, please indicate the source

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