
Li Tieying

Baike card

male, Han nationality, September 1936 Health, Changsha, Hunan, China in April 1955 joined the Communist Party, to work in September 1961, Czechoslovakia card Ellis graduated from the University Department of Physics, University degree, senior engineer.


resume resume speech from 1950 to 1955 studying at Beijing Normal University High School when the two joined the Chinese Communist Party in Beijing after Russian special scientific


School training. 1955-1961 Department of Physics, University of Czechoslovakia card Ellis study. 1961 to 1966 to join the army to work thirteen Ministry of Defence 10 homes (1961 to 1963 in Beijing, from 1963 to 1970 in Shijiazhuang), any four-room technician, responsible person, deputy director, deputy director at Room 1965 years of collective jobs (during the period: 1964 to 1965 in Shanghai International Studies University study in Japanese). 1966-1970 Ministry of the four planes five one thousand four hundred and thirteen, deputy director of the 1970-1978 Ministry of the four machines one thousand four hundred twenty-four (Sichuan Yongchuan), return to work in 1972, he served as a director of the. 1978-1981 Ministry of the four planes one thousand four hundred forty-seven (Shenyang) as Chief Engineer, Vice-Chairman of Science and Technology Commission of Shenyang City, Liaoning Province, Deputy Director, Provincial Association for Science and Vice-Chairman. 1981-1983 Party Secretary of Liaoning Province, Shenyang (then with the first secretary), executive secretary of the Party. 1983-1984 secretary of the Liaoning Provincial Party Committee (then with the first secretary). 1984-1985 secretary of the Liaoning Provincial Party Committee (then with the first secretary) and Haicheng county party secretary. 1985-1987 Ministry of Electronics Industry minister, party secretary. 1987-1988 member of the Central Political Bureau, the National Commission for Economic, director, party secretary, Ministry of Electronics Industry minister, party secretary. 1988-1993 member of the Central Political Bureau, state councilor and director of National Education Committee, party secretary. 1993-1998 member of the Central Political Bureau, state councilor and director of National Commission for Economic Restructuring. 1998-2002 member of the Central Political Bureau, CASS president, party secretary. 2002-2003 1 月 Academy of Social Sciences Dean, the party group. March 2003 meeting of the Tenth National People's Congress was elected vice chairman of NPC Standing Committee. Twelfth CPC Central Committee alternate members, members, 13th, 14th and 15th CPC Central Committee, Politburo member. [1] important speech of China's reform, has gone through a magnificent 30 years. This is a great 30 years, is to change China's 30 years, was shocked the world


profession for 30 years. From the late 1970s, the Chinese Communist Party led the people, through the reform and opening up creatively explore and develop the socialist market economy under the conditions. This is a great national rejuvenation of the new Long March, China's socialist system is self-development, continuing to explore the great revolution. In short, China's reform and profound changes in China, but also changed the world. In 2008, China ushered in the two One was a The fact that we passed these two exams, let the whole world Two tests, not only to enhance China's self-confidence, but also won the respect of the world. This reflects the great achievements of China's reform and opening up, a reflection of the Chinese Communist Party, the Chinese government and Chinese people fighting off a great spirit. A new semi-feudal China was built on the ruins up. In the early days of New China, material deprivation, weak industrial base of historical conditions, the planned economic system has played an active role can not be denied that China establish a separate, relatively complete industrial system and national economic system, people's lives have to improve. However, the limitations of the planned economic system itself and its role has been exaggerated, become an important factor in the development of productivity constraints. A In 1978, China's per capita GDP is only $ 230. Is in the third world, China is relatively backward. How to make the world nearly 1 / 4 of the population in a poverty-stricken circumstances out of poverty, how undeveloped economic conditions, in a highly centralized planned economy and a single public ownership based on the closed and semi-closed environment out of China's industrialization, modern road, which is the beginning of the reform we are facing a severe test and practical starting point. After 30 years of reform, China's economic system and development model has undergone profound changes, the socialist market economic system has been initially established. At present, China's market-oriented economy continues to improve, the market in allocating resources to the basic role was enhanced more than 90% of commodity prices determined by the market, 85% of the investment by enterprises and social self-determined, 4 / 5 jobs provided by the non-public economy. 30 years of reform in the economic system, the breakthrough and innovation can be summarized as: - from the Exploration of the economic reform process can be divided into Twelve Third Plenary Session of the Party established the theory of socialist commodity economy is a major innovation of socialist economic theory and development. The party's 13 major report pointed out that socialist economy is based on public ownership of a planned commodity economy. This is to make our party the scientific summary of the socialist economy is a major development of Marxism is the fundamental basis for China's economic reform. It is a breakthrough in the theory of socialist commodity economy and development of the socialist market economic theory put forward and the establishment of socialist market economic system to become a historical necessity. The socialist market economic theory not only break the traditional planned economy, but also broke the traditional market economy, the basic economic system and allocation of resources to distinguish, both emphasizing the full play of market mechanisms in allocating resources to the basic role, but also emphasis on strengthening and improving macro-control. As Comrade Jiang Zemin talked about, The socialist system, combined with the market economy system, a clear plan and market are the means to address the plan and market the so-called 'socialist' 'capitalist' questions. Answer the question how to build socialism in the development of a market economy under socialist conditions, with the approach to building a socialist market economy, which is one of our greatest initiative. We are engaged in a market economy, is under socialist conditions, is in China's national conditions, based on the development of China in order to achieve China's industrialization and modernization of the method. We are engaged in socialism is socialism with Chinese characteristics, is able to achieve China's industrialization, modernization and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation socialist. We adhere to Marxism and the realities in China, the Chinese Marxism. This is the starting point of reform theory. - From Conversion mechanism, system innovation, the key is to resolve the name Breakthrough in the theory of ownership can be summarized in two aspects: First, from a single public ownership to public ownership is dominant and diverse forms of ownership develop change, encourage, support and guide non-public economic development; the second is the difference between the forms of ownership and ownership off. Various forms of ownership can be, a form can be used for a variety of ownership, how beneficial on how to use, this is our big discovery. The third plenum of the party clearly the development of modern property rights system, make sure - From Many of China's rural reform, the experience is first created by the grassroots. 30 years of rural reform achievements in the theory are: First, break the people's commune system, formed the basis of household contract management, tier management system by the combination of theory; the second is to promote the circulation system of agricultural products and the formation of agricultural market system theory; third is a breakthrough the traditional way, with Chinese characteristics, rural industrialization and urbanization; fourth is proposed path of agricultural modernization with Chinese characteristics, and building a socialist new countryside, promote the integration of urban and rural economic and social development of a new pattern. Rural China's modernization is the modernization of the most unique and most difficult step, only from reality, from China's national conditions, can be achieved. - From The key to the reform of state-owned enterprises in the market economy to build a real legal entity and market competitors. 30 years of enterprise system innovation in the reform of the practice and theory can be summarized in four aspects: First, make the main business of the market; second is to propose separating the separation of ownership and management; third is the establishment of modern enterprise system; four state-owned enterprises is to deepen governance structure and state-owned assets management system, optimize the layout of state-owned economy, enhance its vitality, control and influence. Currently, the state-owned enterprise reform is at a critical moment, not because of a temporary market benefits of good will that the reform has been completed. State-owned enterprise reform, the exploration of state-owned economy, the socialist market economic system under the condition of the exploration is always accompanied by the attendant. This is the continuous development of the socialist market economic system, an important issue. - From We are in the market system theoretical breakthroughs can be divided into three stages: First, recognize the means of production, factors of production are commodities, has a price; the second is to gradually develop the market-oriented price system; third is the development of factor markets, the formation of a unified, open competitive and orderly modern market system. Since 1994, our price reform has taken a big step, but some issues have not completely solved, especially in resource factor price formation mechanism reform is lagging behind, a direct impact on economic restructuring and development patterns. - From the In the traditional planned economy system, a high degree of national unity plan, planned system of economic theory and the theory of alternative macroeconomic and macro-control system. 30 years, the government plans directly from administrative management to the economic, legal means of indirect control, the initial establishment of a harmonization of macro-control system. Macroeconomic theory and macro-control system continues to develop, is the largest of the socialist market economic system characteristics and theoretical innovation. - From the We are a breakthrough in the theory of income distribution is divided into four steps: First, allow some areas, some people get rich, get rich first drive after the rich encouragement, and eventually realize common prosperity; second priority to efficiency with due consideration to fairness; third is to press workers distribution and distribution according to contribution of production factors combined; Fourth, establish a multi-level, community-based social security system, emphasizing the initial distribution and redistribution of both handle the relationship between equity and efficiency. What kind of productivity level, what kind of ownership; what kind of ownership, what kind of social distribution system. Theory of income distribution, incentive and motivation mechanism involved, the impact of social justice, reform and building a harmonious society is a core issue. - From 30 years, we abandoned the development of closed or semi-closed mode, established the basic policy of opening up, the establishment of an open economic system; I use to break through the blockade of the West the favorable opportunity, bold and borrowing, including all the capitalist countries, including achievements of human civilization, full use of international and domestic markets and resources; joining the World Trade Organization, the new situation, initial establishment of a stable and transparent foreign-related economic management system and legal regulations. Socialist market economy, rule of law economy. 30 years of reform, we have basically established a socialist market economy with Chinese characteristics, the legal system, which is to explore and develop the socialist market economy with Chinese characteristics, to achieve China's industrialization, modernization and an important guarantee for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. While carrying out economic reform, political system, cultural system, social system and other reforms are also solid progress. In short, China's reform and opening up has always been in theory and practice of dual exploration, the two complement each other, play the forceful and passionate co-reform movement. Two of China's reform is a new contribution to Marxism, is a new contribution to the practice of socialism. Today's world, regardless of their social system, by reforming and perfecting in their structure and mechanism. Reform of the institutional evolution of the way. All the systems to exist, must adapt to the development of social productive forces, must continue to reform. We can say that reform is an important method of survival and development of the system. Flood in the history of economic globalization, the competition between countries, the final analysis, the system competitiveness. The essence of socialism, Comrade Deng Xiaoping said Way to reform and opening up. China's reform and opening up of the socialist system of self-improvement and development, is to achieve the great rejuvenation of the new Long March. (A) the Russian October Revolution and reform of China's great 20th century exploration. Russia's October Revolution in human history a great turning point in the Marxist theory into practice, declaring a new social system by the vision a reality, the oppressed nations opened a new era of revolution. But how to build socialism, the Communist Party of all countries to face challenges. In the last century, the last 1 / 4 time, the world's two major historical events occurred, one of China's reform and opening up, one is the Soviet Union and Eastern upheaval. These two events has both positive and negative sense: the upheaval in the Soviet Union and Eastern sense, is a rigid, unable to continue to reform and development of the socialist model of negation; while the opposite situation in China - China Reform and opening up new understanding of socialism, new exploration and new development. Third Plenary Session of the Party is great, because a profound summary of the whole Party and people through the In the We do not have to reflect back after the planned economy, but decided to engage in reform and opening up a new exploration, and began another great Chinese Long March. The road of socialism with Chinese characteristics, is different from the traditional pre-reform socialist model, but also from the social development model of Western countries, the laws of human social development and roads on new exploration, new test. China's reform and opening up the theory and practice of contemporary Marxist political economy major contribution. (B) China's reform and opening up the exploration and development of the socialist system. After World War II, the East-West confrontation between two camps coexist. Whether it is the socialist system and capitalist system, wants to win this competition. In fact, this competition is not only profoundly changed the socialist system, but also profoundly changed the capitalist system. Reform of the capitalist countries the reference surface is a socialist system is the planned economy; and the reference surface of our reform is the capitalist system, is the market economy. Throughout the modern economic history, planning tools and market-based instruments are integrated with each other, alternating use. In 1933 the United States, Comrade Deng Xiaoping, The socialist market economy system not only use, but also to develop a market economy, continue to emancipate and develop productive forces, continue to accumulate and expand material wealth. Market economy combined with the basic system of socialism reflects a higher level system exploration, the vitality of the socialist society is reflected in the development of productive forces continue to adapt to the requirements of continuous reform, constantly exploring and evolving capabilities. Without reform, the system will rigid, we must bound the development of productivity, no vitality of socialism is a dead end. Not open, can not absorb the socialist achievements of human civilization, can not seek to participate in international competition, better and faster, and is also a dead end. Without reform, it is impossible to open; not open, but also not much of reform. Opening up the reform of itself is great. Closed state, a closed nation, it is impossible to develop, it is impossible to build socialism. In short, without reform and opening up, we can not consolidate and develop socialist, not a Marxist. (C) is the fundamental task of China's reform and liberate and develop productive forces. Reform and opening up is the only way for the development of socialism, after all, is the only way to develop the productive forces. Leave the development of productive forces on the adaptability of the relations of production, and leave some of the advanced nature of the superstructure on the economic base, are in the air. Superstructure and production relations are conducive to the liberation and development of productive forces, is to determine its suitability, whether a reasonable basis, or will be abandoned by the development of productivity. As long as there is development, there should be reform. Constantly adapt to the economic reform is the basis of the superstructure, the relations of production continue to adapt to the historical process of development of productive forces required. Is not beyond the primary stage of socialism, which is determined by the level of development of productive forces. Focus on boosting productivity as soon as possible is our party's central task of the primary stage of socialism. Comrade Hu Jintao, the party's congress in the report that not only adhere to socialism with Chinese characteristics of the basic principles of scientific socialism, but also according to China's actual characteristics of the times and give it a distinctive Chinese characteristics. This will continue to liberate and develop productive forces, committed to China's industrialization, modernization, China's scientific development, long-term development, long-term stability. China's reform and opening up is not a subjective desire, but a necessary requirement for the development of history is the history of the law. Without a long and stable development, the problem will become more and more complex. Comrade Deng Xiaoping repeatedly emphasized that Liberate and develop productive forces, the end result is the final liberation of labor and laborers. If you leave the people's liberation and all-round development to talk about ownership and distribution system, it would deviate from the most active factor of production, the most fundamental part, and this is precisely the core issue of China's political economy. Development is the process of wealth creation and accumulation, the wealth of China, China's modernization is the accumulation of the Chinese people and created with both hands. Only in the reform and development to consistently adhere to people-centered, scientific development, continue to liberation, to protect labor and laborers, in order to play the superiority of socialism, in order to achieve the liberation of productive forces, the historical task of developing the productive forces. (D) the development does not end, the reform did not end. The socialist system itself is in constant reform, to explore the development and advancement system. Historical progress of reform is the basic way, it is not even a generation or two generations of the task, but a long-term undertaking. As long as there is development, there will be new situations and new problems, we need to continue to emancipate the mind, adjust the superstructure and production relations to adapt to these new situations and new problems, to adapt to the economic base and productivity. As long as there is development, there must be reform, development and reform is closely linked to, dependent phase maintained. Development of productive forces is endless historical process, reform is bound to be endless historical process. The birth of socialism and capitalism on the face of struggle and competition, its vitality and future lies in continuous development and reform, and continued to release the energy system in order to adapt and promote the rapid development of productive forces. China's reform and opening up the Long March is only the first step to solving a number of deep-seated contradictions and problems, the fundamental way out is still reform. History does not end, the development does not end, there will be no reform and opening up the end. Reform and opening up to explore the development of socialism, the basic method of progress, the system is the only way of historical progress. Development is not dead, the development must be reformed, we must continue to emancipate and develop productive forces. Three reform is a great exploration of both the practice of exploration, but also to explore the theory. Practical exploration and theoretical exploration of the power source of the theory comes from the great great practice. 30 years of reform and opening up valuable experience, summed up, that is, from the basic national conditions, continue to emancipate the mind, the direction of the market economy, stick to opening up the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics. (A) seek truth from facts is the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics of emancipating the mind, a big selling point. Minds, to seek truth from facts; to emancipate the mind, we must be realistic. Emancipating the mind and seeking truth from facts are synonymous. Reform and opening to stride forward, we must break with the completion of the task does not match the reality and the traditional concept of the traditional theory of the frame. Third Plenary Session of the Party and the personality cult to break the shackles of dogmatism, to restore the fundamental Marxist ideological line, for our practice of reform and opening up the development of Marxism opened up a vast world. Emancipating the mind is our party and in all the major historical juncture in the major historical decision to continue to advance with the times of the root causes. Review of China's reform and opening up, the largest emancipation, is to insist on proceeding from China's national conditions, to adhere to basic principles of Marxism with the advance of Marxism in China combine to give vitality of Marxism of contemporary China. Past achievements are the result of emancipating the mind, the future of reform and development have to rely on emancipating the mind. Endless reform and development, emancipate the mind forever. Value lies in the truth of the theory to answer and solve the problem. Any significant changes in history, major development is accompanied by the development of theories and ideas of the great major liberation. China's future, and always accompanied by a historical process of emancipation, the future lies emancipate our minds, seek truth from facts. (B) adhere to the standard of productivity history is written by the developer, and history is history. Development of productive forces, we adhere to the starting point of historical materialism and


the end result. China is the future of socialism, the socialist future is the sustained, rapid and healthy development is to create a higher productivity than capitalism. This is a necessary requirement for the historical existence of socialism. Failing that, it would not socialism. To develop the productive forces, an important task is to liberate and develop productive forces to explore the economic system, is to explore, build and service in the development of productive forces to adapt to the requirements of the system and the superstructure. The political system is man-made facilities, not fall from the sky. Its existence, the only prerequisite is to obey and serve the requirements of development of productive forces. Economic system to determine whether the superiority and vitality, the key is to see whether it can liberate and develop productive forces. Productivity must be determined from the relations of production, relations of production reaction in productivity starting to think about the historical materialism, the direction and momentum of reform. (C) adhere to the direction of the market economy a long time, whether it is Western economics or Marxist economics, regarded as a market economy is incompatible with socialism. Comrade Deng Xiaoping's economic development based on the practice, revealing the , under the conditions in the socialist market-oriented reforms to engage in a specified way. Economic development planning and the market is way, like a knife and fork and chopsticks on the table, what tools and methods is beneficial to what. Regardless of the planning system or the market system, only one objective is to develop social productive forces. Which system is more conducive to the development of the socialist productive forces, with which a system. China to establish a socialist market economic system, not forced by external pressure or out of books dogma, but out of plan and market re-understanding of the two systems, liberating and developing productive forces for internal needs. The theory of socialist market economy, the superiority of the socialist system and the market allocation of resources to organically combine the effectiveness, development of human society has opened up new roads, new understanding. This is our precious wealth of ideas. (D) adhere to adapt to the development of productive forces Development of productive forces is eternal, the relations of production change is eternal. China's reform and deeply rooted among the masses, every step forward the reform, the practice is to explore the people and system innovation. Progressive development of productive forces, China decided to adopt a China's reform of the primary stage of socialism based on the basic national conditions, countries in the world market economy, drawing on the experience of the first rural areas and cities, and then fully open the first local exploration, introducing market mechanisms, planning and market mechanisms exist to the exploration and development of the socialist market economic system, continue to explore practical, progressively advancing reform. System, progress, development, change, not its own decision. Development of productive forces is not advanced beyond the so-called system, the system can not replace, the liberation of productive forces, the development of productivity. System development speed, the speed of reform is determined by the productivity and service requirements in the development of productive forces. In short, gradual reform of the method is determined by the development. We are involved in a wide range of interests reach deeper levels of reform issues, first select some representative areas, industries and enterprises related to the reform test, focus on some key aspects of major breakthroughs, to gain experience and then gradually extended step by step to advance the overall reform with Chinese characteristics and create a gradual reform path. Practice has proved that this is a small vibration, low cost, highly effective way of reform. (E) remain open all open all the principal, to be based on their ability and endurance. Since reform and opening, we adhere to open the door to fully open, carefully study and learn from other countries, both positive and negative experiences, full use of international and domestic markets and resources, on the basis of mutual benefit and win-win situation with the world economic and technological cooperation, both carefully observe and actively participate in improving the international economic order, in the development of their own, but also for the maintenance of world peace and promoting common development to make a contribution. China's development is inseparable from the world, only in opening up a chance to absorb and learn from the creation of human society, all the outstanding achievements of civilization, so that the modernization of China stand on the shoulders of world civilization. The revival of the Chinese nation, is also inseparable from the collision with Western civilization and blend, competition and cooperation. In the early years of opening up the reform of the domestic front also produced a huge driving force; in improving the socialist market economic system, the opening will continue to push us to keep up with the times, the importance of continued reform momentum. (F) adhere to the socialist road with Chinese characteristics is not a road, models and methods that we could not copy China's reform can only rely on their own, go its own way. Since reform and opening, we base ourselves on upholding the basic socialist system, adhere to market-oriented reform-oriented, consciously adjust production relations and the superstructure are not suited to links and development of productive forces, the innovation system and mechanism, emphasizing the role of market in resource allocation based role, and creatively explore a new road of Chinese-style reforms to promote the socialist system in eliminating defects in establishing a new self-improvement and development. Theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics, especially Deng Xiaoping's first socialist market economic theory, is a major contribution to Marxism, is the latest achievements of contemporary political economy. China's reform and opening up is taking a way consistent with their national conditions, this road will have to go on forever. Four after 30 years of reform and opening up, despite the institutional environment has undergone tremendous changes, but so far, development of productive forces still face many institutional obstacles, the old problems are solved, new problems are constantly emerging. China's economy has entered a Each new development and changes are required to have the new reform, reform and opening up is a long historical process. Future reforms in the economic globalization, China's accession to the World Trade Organization to fully open under the conditions, will be more complex and difficult. (A) to solve the fundamental problem lies in China to further deepen the reform of China's reform and development is at a critical stage of reform of the difficulty, complexity, and risk of systemic significantly enhanced, reform has entered a new phase. On the one hand, with the industrialization, modernization and urbanization accelerates, China is facing a shortage of energy resources, environmental degradation, economic and social development, coordination and other conflicts and problems; other hand, the transformation of government functions, elements of the construction market, a monopoly sector reform, urban and rural development, income distribution adjustment reforms in the areas still in a critical stage. Among them, some reform is not only related to economic relations,


but also involves social superstructure; not only involves many stakeholders, and involves deep levels of power and interest adjustments. In the new historical conditions, how the requirements of the market economy, through institution building, and further transform government functions, the allocation of resources to ensure the market's basic role; how in accordance with the requirements of scientific development, the establishment of economic development mode shift in macro-control system ; how to build a socialist harmonious society in accordance with the requirements of fairness and justice to establish a system of social protection mechanisms; how in accordance with the requirements of urban and rural development, contribute to the progressive establishment of urban-rural dual structure of the system; how to improve the basic economic system in accordance with fair competition and protect , and further accelerate the reform of monopoly industries, in unswervingly consolidate and develop the public economy, unswervingly encourage, support and guide non-public economic development; how to speed up the reform of the superstructure, to achieve economic, political system, cultural system and social system of coordination;, etc., which are placed in front of us is an urgent need to address the major reform tasks. Development must be scientific, scientific development is in line with the objective laws of development, low-speed inefficient, ups and downs, the development is not unsafe scientific development. Facing the new situation, we must uphold the socialist road with Chinese characteristics, and always adhere to the issues, and constantly improve the scientific decision-making and coordination measures, and unswervingly push forward the reform. (B) further emancipate the mind of firmly taking the socialist road with Chinese characteristics, China is in a major change in the era of great development, both important strategic opportunities, but also the new contradictions and problems highlighted period. Faced with this situation, continue to emancipate the mind only, to form new ideas and come up with new solutions to new problems. Emancipating the mind and seeking truth from facts is exactly the same, do not seek truth from facts can not emancipate the mind. This requires that we proceed from reality, we must oppose the To see the improvement of the socialist market economic system,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/][b]title=Monster Headphones[/b][/url], there is still a long way to go. After the founding of new China's quite a long time, we look to socialism After the Soviet Union and Eastern upheaval, there are a lot of people lose confidence in the future of socialism. In the reform of the socialist market economic system exploration, we can not sell ourselves short, can not be blindly optimistic, we must fully consider the complexity and difficulty of the situation, prevent and overcome impatience. All of emancipating the mind from the interests of the people is the criterion of value. System design is inseparable from people's real interests. Best interests of the Chinese people is to realize the industrialization and modernization, to achieve national prosperity and people prosperity and happiness. The socialist system with Chinese characteristics is the system in order to achieve this purpose, is to reform the system of innovation to achieve this objective exploration. We need to promote reform, promoting economic development, always adhere to socialist principles and direction of the dominant position of respect for the people, to protect the rights of the people, continue to liberate labor and laborers, road to common prosperity. At present, the idea is to liberate or rigid, the degree of liberation, and ultimately depends on whether it helps to implement the scientific concept of development, building a socialist harmonious society, whether it is conducive to the development of productive forces, enhance the comprehensive national strength and improving people's living standards. Reform and opening up began in emancipating the mind, it also needs to continue to push forward and continue to further emancipate the mind. (C) the establishment of security in the further reform of the reform and opening up China's economic security is to liberate and develop productive forces, while maintaining economic security is an important reform and opening up the content and tasks. System should be conducive to the development of productivity, but also to protect the security, which is the prerequisite and foundation. Scientific development is to achieve long-term sustainable economic development without security, sustainable development can not be called science. Our reform and opening up, is to explore a system suited to China's national conditions, systems and roads, to achieve China's industrialization and modernization, but such a system, systems, and roads must be dynamic, and secure. At present, China's reform and opening up new international environment has changed. In the context of economic globalization, on the one hand, restricting China's economic development resources,[url=http://www.in-moncler.com][b]title=Cheap Moncler[/b][/url], energy, environment and other On the other hand, the past, we are relatively closed economies, the The new century, China's foreign trade dependence in 2001 (WTO) 38% to 67% in 2007, quickly becoming a world ranking of open economy, export-oriented development has entered a In this case, if economic security is a problem, will be in the international wealth redistribution, our long-term accumulation of wealth may be swept away overnight, never came first, the economy may not recover for a long time. Currently, the country's economic security has become increasingly prominent, the most prominent problem is the context of economic globalization, free movement of capital caused by the financial crisis. Driven by the interests of international financial capital does not take non-virtual, pervasive, and its rapid flow of the energy of the huge form of hidden, beyond the means of the complexity of people's imagination. The economy can not develop a safe, a little mistake, China's reform and opening accumulated great wealth of international capital will be swept away. In the market-oriented, international, accelerate the development of information technology today, we must take great efforts to research and establish a system of economic security system to prevent the use of some countries shift the risk of financial advantage, profit-making, actively respond to the possible financial crisis and other economic security, protect the domestic stable and rapid economic development and national economic security. After 30 years of reform and opening up, the 1.3 billion Chinese people under the leadership of the Communist Party in China, exploring the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics on the development of more mature, more confident, more rational, accumulated a wealth of practical experience and theoretical results, focus reflected in the Deng Xiaoping Theory and What is the most valuable? Own experience, his theory is the most valuable. Not have their own theory, you can not control their own destiny, others will do the theory of prisoners. China can achieve industrialization and modernization, to achieve national prosperity, prosperity and happiness of the people of the system, that is, the socialist system with Chinese characteristics; this theory is the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics; this road is the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Reform calls for development of the theory. No compass, they will lose the way forward. Sheng does not worry fans, storm damage is not leaving! Only been explored in practice, in theory, break, in order to promote the further deepening of reform. Always adhere to basic principles of historical materialism only to strengthen China's reform theories and methods of research, to further deepen reform and opening up, in order to strive for greater success. [2] entry

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References 1

Tieying resume

http://news.xinhuanet.com / ziliao/2002-01/16/content_240535.htm


li on China's reform

http://news.xinhuanet.com/politics/2008-11/07/ content_10319586.htm

Further reading: 1

Xinhua http://news.xinhuanet.com/ziliao/2002-01/16/content_240535.htm

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