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MLM is the development of the organizers or operators who, through the development of staff is the development of its direct or indirect sales or number of personnel based on the calculation and payment of remuneration, or asked to be the development of staff to pay a fee for the adding conditions to obtain qualifications, etc. reap illegal profits, disrupt the economic order, affect social stability.

Profile Definitions 1 in the absence of substantive business or service case, the number of personnel to develop as the main source of income; Second, to promote or promise high returns for the bait, unlawful assembly, or like to take a more humane way of the family dinner, or all sorts of excuses disguised fee is not equivalent to the product, not an objective means of illegal fund-raising costs, etc. ; Third, in order to sell products or provide services under the guise of engaging in financial fraud and other crimes of commercial fraud, deception or force the money-making trading behavior; more than a similar behavior to achieve the purpose of illegal possession of property of others, seriously disrupting social and economic order and management of order. Have any of these conditions can be characterized as a pyramid scheme. The dangers of pyramid schemes: to disrupt social economic order, and affect social stability and unity; provoked an increase in criminal cases, disintegration of families and other social unrest. The characteristics of pyramid schemes: mainly reflected in the majority of the final consumer or investor rights are not protected. Here we have each MLM marketing with normal controls, for all to identify. MLM: MLM in today's society most of the so-called charge membership fees, the initial fee, qualification fee (ie, location fees), technology transfer fees, training fees, sell products and other projects, but these projects are to exceed several times, several times price or market price and the value of a serious departure or no substantial investment in business services and real behavior. Fuzzy consumer behavior and business conduct, pyramid schemes by using some persons; even quoted different legal concepts, applicable laws are: and consumer behavior analysis from start to finish and clear definition; comply with the principle of equal compensation and premium services. MLM organization and leadership crime elements: organization, leadership in order to sell goods, services, investment and other business activities in the name of the project, requiring participants to pay fees or purchase of goods, services, investment by way of adding personality and composed in accordance with a certain level of order, directly or indirectly to the development of staff as a paid or rebate based on the number, lured, coerced others to participate in the continued development of participants, obtaining by deception, disruption of economic and social order, pyramid schemes, and five years imprisonment or criminal detention and a fine; In serious cases, at least five years imprisonment and a fine. Judicial Practice: community store merchandise, there are five layers of six levels and Gary, this is normal sales. Therefore, violation of the object pyramid complex object, not only a violation of citizens' property rights, and violation of the market economic order and management of social order. The object is the crime of personal property of citizens, usually money. MLM is often associated with tax evasion, price gouging and other phenomena, violated a number of social relations and legal object; the main object must have two elements: 1. Fraudulent (infringement of citizens' property rights), (2) disrupt the management of social order and economic order. Organizing and leading elements of the crime pyramid schemes (1) The object of the elements of the crime of violation of the object is a complex object, not only a violation of citizens' property rights, and violation of the market economic order and management of social order. The object is the crime of personal property of citizens, usually money. MLM is often associated with tax evasion, price gouging and other phenomena, violated a number of social relations and legal object. (2) the objective elements of this crime in the objective aspect of the performance in violation of state regulations, organization, engaged in pyramid schemes, disturb the market order, serious behavior. But not all of the MLM acts constitute a crime, the circumstances in general, are generally illegal, the administrative department for industry and commerce administrative penalties; pyramid schemes that only the perpetrator will constitute a serious crime, be held criminally responsible. In addition, to distinguish between direct sales and direct sales activities in the crime of violation. If the behavior occurs in direct salespeople exaggerate the income, the effectiveness of the product such deceptive, misleading conduct, direct sales by regulatory authorities impose administrative penalties, and not as MLM crime. Identified serious amount of money involved should be combined with pyramid schemes, the number of direct sales personnel, the means used in pyramid schemes, pyramid schemes and other factors the impact of a comprehensive measure. (3) of the main elements of this crime is generally the main body, who reached the legal age of criminal responsibility, with criminal responsibility of natural persons can constitute the crime. Investigate this crime is mainly direct sales organization planners, introduced on many occasions, lured, coerced others to join MLM organizations active participant. Participants in general, is not to pursue. According to the Supreme Court on June 18, 1999 or companies, enterprises, institutions established, in order to commit a crime as the main activity, not to be punished for crimes committed by units. and major participants in the natural criminal punishment. (4) the subjective element of this crime in the subjective performance of direct intentional, with illegal profit-making purposes. That the perpetrator know that their implementation of the pyramid schemes, prohibited by the state laws and regulations, but for the unlawful purpose of profit, which still practice this behavior, and the occurrence of harmful results support the pursuit of hope and positive attitude. In short, pyramid schemes are economic crimes in the crime of disturbing the market economic order, crime, crime is a profit-making is an act of committing an intentional crime. Direct sales in some countries, single-level direct selling and direct sub-multi-level marketing. Single-level direct selling actual products, hard work and the non-pyramid model does not restrict human rights, freedom, there is no middle part of the sales model (Dell model); direct selling companies to recruit salespeople by salespeople in a fixed place of business directly to the outside the final consumer product distribution methods to sell. Called multi-level marketing pyramid schemes, staff development is on-line, offline, pyramid, restriction of human rights (1) and free of illegal mode. In China, in 2005 promulgated the MLM organizers also committed MLM A: According to the State Council Order No. 444, published by Republic of the Criminal Code Amendment (g) by way of adding personality and composed in accordance with a certain level of order, directly or indirectly to the development of staff as a paid or rebate based on the number, lured, coerced others to participate in the continued development of participants, obtaining by deception, disruption of economic and social order, pyramid schemes, and five years of imprisonment or criminal detention and a fine; the circumstances are serious, at least five years imprisonment and a fine. Issued in the country, calculation and payment of remuneration, or asked to be the development of staff to pay a fee to join as a condition to obtain qualifications, etc. reap illegal profits, disrupt the economic order, affect social stability. Identified in this Ordinance is to be pyramid schemes pyramid refinement,[url=http://www.uggoutletmallonline.com/]UGG Outlet Sale[/url], visualization, specific. Ordinance provides the following main types of behavior are pyramid schemes: (i) The organizers or operators through the development of staff, asked to be the development of other staff to join the staff development, staff development directly or indirectly by its number of personnel development for the rolling based on the calculation and payment of remuneration (including incentives and other economic interests, the same below), to obtain illegal benefits; (b) The organizers or operators through the development of staff, were asked to pay fees or development personnel to subscribe to pay the costs of goods, etc. in disguise made to join or join the development of the qualifications of other personnel, to obtain illegal benefits; (c) The organizers or operators through the development of personnel, development of other development personnel required to join to form a relationship off the assembly line, and the following line is based on sales on-line calculation and payment of remuneration, to obtain illegal benefits. Distinguish different one: whether to sell the product as the basis for business operations. Direct marketing to sell products as a source of earnings. The places of illegal pyramid scheme by profit-making or pull the head or Zhicijiagao sales of counterfeit products in disguise pull people for profit. Difference between the two: there is no high entry fee. Direct sales business without paying any salesman high entry fee, will not be forced to subscribe goods. In the illegal pyramid scheme, participants pay high entry fees by or required to be subscribed to a certain number of products to pay high entry fees disguised as conditions of participation, to encourage anything to pull people to join to make a profit. The company's profit is the entry fee-based, is actually a disguised financing behavior. The third difference: whether to set up shop operators. Direct selling enterprises to set up open-frame or the-counter shops, sales personnel are directly contracted with the company, its business activities directly accept the company's specification and management. The operators of illegal pyramid schemes through the development of people, organizations engaged in non-store network or China experienced in 1998, after the overhaul of the pyramid-pyramid schemes, many foreign companies have direct transformation. Since then, the This particular direct sales operation, which allows the salesman to the shop ownership, not only the direct relationship with the company but also easy to manage. The fourth difference: whether the remuneration according to work. Direct marketing companies who are willing to work hard to provide practical opportunities for income generation, rather than flourishes. Each of their individual sales personnel can only pay in terms of sales, the company set aside funds from operations, net of tax in the company uniform issued to the designated account directly, there is, the offline relationship. And illegal pyramid schemes through high returns disguised as bait to attract personnel engaged in sales activities, the participants' on-line from the entrance fee or the so-called off the assembly line to extract performance pay. Difference of five: whether to exit, return protection. Direct marketing companies may be based on individual freedom of choice will continue to operate or exit businesses to provide customers with improved return guarantee. The agreement is not illegal pyramid schemes usually force the return or returns are very harsh, difficult for consumers to return the purchased product. Characterized in that: there is no real low-cost high commodity trading or selling goods, simply pull the head to charge exorbitant entry fee to get the profits. ① illegal pyramid sales organizations, commodity prices are generally significantly higher than the fair market open. For example, $ 300 swing machine forced to sell 3900 yuan. ② illegal pyramid scheme there is no fixed shops and stalls, covert action. ③ the main benefits of illegal pyramid scheme organizers to eat off the assembly line, rather than real goods for the business to operate the way to profit. ④ illegal pyramid scheme is a pyramid-shaped organizational structure, and our network marketing is a popular system of business cycle structure. ⑤ general and illegal pyramid schemes linked triad,[url=http://www.uggoutletmallonline.com/]UGG Outlet Sale[/url], but nothing to us and the underworld. ⑥ illegal pyramid scheme is ultimately attributable to the collapse of a large pyramid, pyramid schemes organizers escaped fled. But the direct marketing industry is confusing, many without the approval of the companies are operating legally, and even a few approved direct selling company in the course of the operation is illegal operations. The vast number of people should be vigilant, because they are probably disguised pyramid schemes address this issue, I introduced the five criteria of unfair direct: Standard 1: introducing others to participate, and the revenues from the introduction of new members to pay membership fees or profits of operators mainly from the participants' entry fees. Standard 2: high entry fee to pay high membership fees or subscription products in a disguised form to pay high membership fees to join as a condition of Standard III: false propaganda activities of the multi-level marketing compensation of participants or merchandise quality, use, origin, etc., to make false or misleading information, please people join the Standard four : high-reward high commodity prices higher than a reasonable market price and profits of the Standard Five: Returns are not allowed to return or not allowed to return to set harsh conditions. This section describes the contents of these just let everyone know what a pyramid scheme, how to judge it is not a pyramid scheme, the difference between MLM and direct sales, direct marketing and unfair judgments based. Purpose is to enhance the ability to distinguish all of the pyramid schemes, avoid being taken. Direct is the manufacturer of products through the store or direct marketing their products directly sold to end users, and to the service of sales. Illegal pyramid scheme: It is produced almost simultaneously with the pyramid schemes, an offense, initially as organizers under the guise of Organized fraud, illegal possession of private property for the purpose. Although a variety of disguised pyramid schemes expression of different names, but their behavior is almost exactly like: 1, participants by paying the first payment of compensation to maintain the operation of the participants; participants return the order and its development by adding the number of personnel decisions. MLM is in a multi-level marketing, pyramid schemes main difference is that charge high membership fees, and multi-level marketing is generally not income or less income membership fee. (It can be seen, pyramid schemes charge high membership fees, is a blatant fraud, the harm it has been widely recognized. Pyramid schemes will generally choose the nature of people engaged in a work get paid as a living way, sales are a work is a skill, through learning, training, practice and experience gained in the process to complete. the object of customer-oriented sales. pyramid selling places his main object, to buy their own products, and to such sales promotion to the assembly line, assembly line is actually on the main target for the development of their own friends and family, this sales model is detrimental to the interests of the salesman, the salesman off the assembly line it will not bring any reward, but rather caused a loss, and in the process of selling to their sale is not learn any technical experience, and only sell the products people need skills to him, so this is not a normal way of working, but a harm harm has, for the few top on-line profiteering trick. MLM paramilitary internal management is the management, has achieved a highly organized violent, violent resistance to law or marketing agents gathering to assault state organs, Shanxi, Beijing and other places have taken place marketing agents impact the public security organs. the real difference between MLM and direct marketing are: Direct is a commercial activity, are areas of marketing, and MLM is the financial activities, is fraud. pyramid schemes actually change from past business practices of financial activities, money order fraud for the purpose. relevant law 1. to more effectively combat criminal activity pyramid, the seventh meeting of the Eleventh National People's Congress on 28 February vote by the Criminal Law Amendment (g) the addition of a , charge business crime, fraud, financial fraud and other crimes criminal prosecution, did not make special provisions. To this end, the Criminal Code Amendment (g) added to the relevant provisions of: organization, leadership in order to sell goods, provide services and other business activities in the name of require participants to pay fees or purchase of goods and services by way of adding personality and composed in accordance with a certain level of order, directly or indirectly to the development of staff as a paid or rebate based on the number, lured, coerced others to participate in the continued development of participants, obtaining by deception, disruption of economic and social order, pyramid schemes, and five years imprisonment or criminal detention and a fine; the circumstances are serious, at least five years and fined. organizing and leading MLM crime in recent years, pull the head, organized crime pyramid schemes, should be in the criminal law on the organization, led the implementation of pyramid schemes to make special provisions for the crime. February 28, 2009 the Eleventh National People's Congress Standing Committee of the seventh meeting through the (g) add way to get qualified, and according to a certain level of sequence composition, directly or indirectly to the development of the number of persons as paid or rebates based lured, coerced others to participate in the continued development of participants, obtaining by deception, disruption of economic and social order, pyramid schemes, and at five years imprisonment or criminal detention and a fine; the circumstances are serious, at least five years imprisonment and a fine. there were many anti-pyramid scheme volunteers, they are: Yepiao Ling, Haha Li, Ho Nam, Hao Tian, ​​Xiaoyun, Aaron, Lingyun, Chuang Ye Wang, sword, Ming Kim, Koichi, young master,[url=http://www.uggoutletmallonline.com/]UGG Outlet Sale[/url], thrown onions, en Well, dream way back, Sister lakes, sacks, Feng Qingyang, A Mao, Li Xu, etc. Although the anti-pyramid scheme is very hard road, but they still persisted. to combat pyramid schemes, pyramid schemes to help rescue victims who made many contributions. knowledge of the development of new staff MLM pyramid schemes pyramid

Although the state's repeated demands to crack down, but profits as bait to deceive others or smuggling illegal to sell low-quality goods, big tax evasion pyramid schemes, to today, the means more subtle, danger is greater. but also into the underworld and even the cult to the economic development trend. So, Where is the magic of illegal pyramid scheme? Recently, Central Television through the MLM training materials exposure, shows the direct sales organization completely complete , divided into: column list, phone or letter solicitation, showdown, follow-up, until the coercion to join. try to figure out the list of mental deception marketing organization through long-term practice, summed up the column list of techniques, these techniques are usually the first part of the teaching pyramid the contents of the so-called column list, that is, what plan, who is lying to the object direct sales personnel, notes, wrote: with - students, colleagues, fellow, clan, enthusiasts; neighbor categories: around neighbors; other acquaintances, such as mentoring, comrades, and so on. Of course, the sales organization of these people made a full analysis of the psychological, such as analysis of veterans: the influence by the military, the concept has changed dramatically, returned home, most are not complacent, wanted to do some big business or want to eager to find a suitable job. analysis of the farmers said: focus is on poverty alleviation, expect grain fortune unrealistic, not farmed channel flow, lack of capital to do business, they are eager to find an opportunities to enrich themselves, in the left neighbor Right homes in the proud, Fengfengguangguang. that laid-off cadres: the old brilliance, limelight, once laid-off doors to cold, there is a serious sense of loss. There is the lure of migrant workers, work is not easy to know, money is too slow, and anxious heart. the object of the quest for psychological conjecture, reflecting the pyramid organizer position of vulnerability, adding insult to injury the dark psychological and evil nature of phone calls offer a good set list after the scam out the second step - an offer by letter or call, etc., to invite others to join. They know that pyramid schemes bad reputation in the teaching materials was subject to a call when the talk about the truth of pyramid schemes. but of the other attitude, expertise, background, etc., give a sweet temptation lie in order to improve the success rate, even on the phone when the materials are set the tone of good the textbook to write the above Road: When talking to a high degree of excitement, the tone is higher, an octave higher than usual. Speed ​​is faster, but the language should be clear, unambiguous positive tone, the feeling of confidence to each other. spoken words have a mystical sense, the other side no data are available. not directly answer the other questions, do not explain their specific topics, etc., and because direct sales organization has now become an object of hatred, so when the marketing company to join in the lie, transforms many fashionable to say such as franchising, networking, network marketing, marketing framework, chain sales, MLM organizations docking station as well as demeanor and dress the whole process is also clearly defined. Beihai City, Guangxi Lu Ebel, Deputy Secretary for Commerce and Industry reveals that: MLM organizations for them to stay with the other man entered the station to meet, it should be passion to run up the steps, to first handshake the same time, must be dressed like a tie, when people will feel that you are sure there is a certain social status, or to contact you directly call relatives and friends to pick you up, after a long drive the car be able to see relatives and friends will naturally feel warm. guide to those on the train, the first welcome home to tell them that the first wash, and then, inside the hotel or their take you to visit a new city, so new to the nice people who think this friend, preconceptions to a very warm feeling. with strong allure and inflammatory rhetoric, some ways no different from a , earn less than you earn money for several years and you say you have no money, how to answer you? because you have no money, so before you think of ways to earn. and then there is a quibble, you say you do not have time, it is Because you do not have time, so will let you make money in a very short period of time inside, and then concentrate your life, have more time for family and friends to deceive the evil acts of this hard-earned money, pyramid schemes actually throw this strange material on to justify: after all the money out to their friends and relatives, then this should not make the money? I see is the make, because the money was originally earned Jiaoren, specifically who is not making much difference between this and if money printing it is buried underground, not people make, would not have become waste paper. MLM defend such materials even lie: a lie is not necessarily bad, sometimes we should even say: the world as a lie and beautiful. showdown fell right in front of relative stress no matter how flowery, beautiful lies always been exposed, the direct sales organization called later, there are two cases, if the other party to the listening class, stumbled, skeptical, the sales organization to enter the first three stages - follow-up. is to follow the specific ways you around the house, a bunch of people around you tell how they made money. Beihai Lu, deputy director of City of Industry, Ebel said: or to see more in the fight against pyramid schemes are not related, can be said to be isolated with the outside world, so they speak in terms of go, that is how many people each month to develop, after the development of the on-line how much money, time long thought would like into the magic-like. the threat or track about who reveals that: If the other party do not want to join, MLM organizations have been with him, along with the toilet, also followed the streets, and threatened to not pay, then you may not get the house, so that kinds of tools are very dirty in this case, the desperation of people cheated on the investment pyramid schemes to deceive, so that the next vicious cycle has begun. attractive target their study of human psychology, in a low area of ​​human life the most gullible. good character, a little money, a little busy, a little edge of 30 to 50 years of age, in their view the most appropriate, such a large social circle of people, but generally farmers,[url=http://www.uggoutletmallonline.com/]UGG Outlet Sale[/url], units with poor performance, laid-off and workers, business losing money or need money for other reasons, because these people need to make money and change the status quo, it will be unreal and emergency personnel with pyramid schemes lure attracted to the language, their own savings a few years or even decades put in. After adding everyone in the learning set of deceptive began to develop offer Loose lips sink ships, would be surprising flaws; not a person to call, need to have joined a long time accompanied; not the first call on the offer before the telephone discuss, make careful arrangements, in close coordination to create a new environment and a warm and harmonious atmosphere, which invites you to people (mostly: relatives, friends, classmates, friends ...... because people like you high degree of trust) will sweep your daily life,[url=http://www.uggoutletmallonline.com/]UGG Outlet Sale[/url], how he was at home before you, how you in this. will not you be too attentive, afraid you suspicious, will call you to eat a bunch of others to follow suit is called We are polite to you, very polite. lectures the next day to do work is called to go work, your friends will take you to the so-called old friends that listen to your work, use more one on one, a pair of two , a pair of three, and twenty or so teaching methods, teaching the course (content) are: the organization is currently widely used illegal pyramid scheme, anxious tempting --- the country's development prospects of developing the western region, Sunshine Project, geometry double ; cause ; and said that ; new friends, industry, swindling, fraud fall into this category), the second is a white lie (the doctor said you all cancer patients, more exercise, eat light foods fall into this category), and they lie this is red, is for you an opportunity to earn their own money, lies just a tool. they will tell you, you're in a place like this year in Shenzhen, is a special policy to the government to a lot of special policy areas, the use of the so-called project catch them, and they new that the police will protect them better in engaging in this be careful!! correspondent notes according to marketing agents, the following summary of the main : we lie to you what? did not let you take a lot of money, did not let you bring any valuable thing, so neither cheat your money, things did not lie to you, just lie to you a few days, Who has time to see what to do? lie to you like a few days lead time is a good industry to introduce you just do not do that you see for yourself where you want to earn money can be a Q 2. Today, we are not against the law for this offense? A: We do not have the trafficking guns and drugs, not involving national politics, that does not violate the criminal law, not violate the Constitution, so how to break the law, says ah! but not legal, because direct selling regulations not yet introduced, no law can be met, as the middle of the yellow traffic light, like. Another point against the law? that so many of us together, constitute unlawful assembly, but the offense and the offense is different, break the law to be sentenced , while the illegal things you do every day, such as: red light running, spitting, in violation of health laws and traffic laws, but a fine or warning Q 3 Why was followed out of the total? A: Because you come to a strange City of everything here are not familiar with, for fear you wandered, or what unexpected things occur, for your safety, so you would seem out when we protect you. Q 4 is not a relative lie relatives and friends lie to a friend Baike card About MLM organization and leadership defined the crime of content: judicial practice: organizing and leading elements of the crime pyramid schemes pyramid schemes direct different legal nature of the organization pyramid schemes, pyramid schemes led anti-crime force pyramid pyramid of knowledge of new staff development of marketing agents to attract the object argument and analysis of three commercial methods of self-rescue public security organs will be disguised pyramid schemes pyramid crackdown synchronization Related articles:

