
UGG Boots SaleSuffering from pneumoconiosis return visit potters life no one is willing to pay to w

Mr Pescod Fang's brother is still working in the ceramics factory, his two year old son into the left-behind children, and Mr Duncan Pescod at the home side, who live together.
Mr Pescod side, 39-year-old town of Chongqing Tongliang Willow Village Restoration, Lehua Ceramic Sanitary Ware Co., Ltd. The first infestation was diagnosed with silicosis workers. April 13, 2009, awarded 199,000 yuan after the return home. Now, he and his wife almost lost to weight, cough all day at home capable of, can only be cut to the pig cut grass, sweep health.

2010 beginning in late September, Foshan Lehua Ceramic Sanitary Ware Co., more than 2,000 medical staff, more than 200 workers were found lung abnormalities, 10 people diagnosed later the infestation pneumoconiosis. This incident caused by occupational health from the government and the community's attention at the same time, abnormal lung potters are still waiting for the end of the re-examination.

these potters are from Chongqing, Sichuan, Hunan, Henan and Guangxi and other places, especially in Chongqing majority. In civil society, more Local government to preliminary statistics, there are thousands of local potters in Foshan, ceramic light in Leroy's potters have as many as 200.

large number of Chongqing, potters, carrying the desire to become rich to travel long distances from Bashan Shu Lingnan, with hard work and sweat to promote the development and expansion of Foshan ceramics industry. However, they sweat and Love in pay, but also the threat of suffering from occupational diseases.

Southern Reporter survey was informed that before the incident from the Occupational Health, Leroy ceramic potters have been dozens of Chongqing nationality or lung abnormalities due to pneumoconiosis awarded an agreement with the factory to return home. Recently, the reporter went to Chongqing Tongliang County, visited more than 10 potters to return home due to illness, to restore the daily lives of a group of potters pneumoconiosis.

Tongliang county seat from the car along the winding mountain road ahead more than 1 hour, Restoration Village to the town park. Rolling hills, some yellow branches, post-harvest rice crop becomes dry. Stepping on a muddy mountain road around the two hills, far, towering bamboo conceal red glazed tile roof, a small two-story building located in the hillside. Housing compared with other villagers, this house extremely eye-catching. More than 10 square meters of Yuanba yard, machete knife knives down, fist large sweet potato is chopped into small pieces, Mr Duncan Pescod Founder cut sweet potatoes in pigs; his wife, Li Yuying busy in the kitchen, his father standing on the yard long daze.

12 6,UGG Outlet Online, 9 am to 12 noon, more than three hours among the correspondents on talks with Mr Duncan Pescod side,UGG Boots Sale, as if to pry open his mouth the same. The quiet rural courtyard surprisingly quiet, so still no trace of laughter, so still some horrible ... ...

39-year-old was diagnosed with silicosis one, four disabled patients to return home after being home to people as

sudden drop in temperature, the local meteorological department forecast release, December 7, Chongqing Tongliang minimum temperature of only 7 ℃. This is the most since the winter cold, people wrapped in his clothes hurry.

Willow Village, two villagers met with Mr Duncan Pescod at the ridge a small side road, greetings fellow who could not hide frank Chongqing mouth fast, the sound echoing in the valley. Mr Pescod side throat words come out of that, low and vicissitudes of life.

these regards, in Mr Duncan Pescod side appears to have no envy of the composition before he even greetings from villagers to appreciate a little sympathy.

Mr Pescod side, 39-year-old, silicosis one, four disabled patients, is home to people as September 2008, in Foshan Lehua Ceramic Sanitary Ware Co., Ltd. to work, he was diagnosed with silicosis, and the factory in March 2009,

Mr Pescod home from the town square about 2 km to the town after the first round the room onto a stone road, walk on the ridge of mud paths, climbing on the ridge, along the way, he gasped, every few hundred meters away, one hand should support Xie Yihui.

cough has been associated with her, but no sputum, which is the most obvious symptoms of silicosis.

Mr Pescod side stands 1.76 meters tall, wearing a thin blue jacket, a bit weak in the cold. He said that before his illness, 130 pounds, now just 100 pounds, and his wife Li Yuying weight the same.

Along the way, Mr Duncan Pescod side without a word, prominent cheeks gaunt face, sunken eye, his wife, Li Yuying said she did not dare to face her husband one, saw the tears will be down.

home more than two years from Foshan, Mr Duncan Pescod there is no further looked for work every day at home doing nothing, the villagers said,

home and hillside 1 km away, is a four person party Mr Duncan Pescod contracted land, a total of 2 acres. Mr Pescod liver side late father, Mr Duncan Pescod side unable to farming, his wife, careless operation, had to hire workers in the busy season.

money, money ... ...

with the craft skill, they can, like other older workers, they pay up to get more than 7,000.

Tongliang County is located northwest of Chongqing, Restoration is the county town's most remote towns. 1990's, to Guangdong to work as a temporary trend here. Local villagers, young feet on the field, run to Canton from their homes. Mr Pescod Fang Willow Village town only two acres of land, in addition to any source of income, poor households belonging to the village.

Currently, there are nearly 100 light Willow Village in Foshan do potters.

year, Mr Duncan Pescod side his wife's maiden brother Li Yuqing Li Yuying working in Guangdong for many years, the monthly income for Mr Duncan Pescod twenty-three one thousand square couple envy, they pay attention to Li Yuqing in Guangdong, where a good point into the plant the opportunity to get in touch.

1999 In November, Mr Duncan Pescod Fang Li Yuqing couple finally received a phone call to work in Guangdong's desire to achieve. Month 18, has never been far from the door of Mr Duncan Pescod side, Li Yuying more than two hours to sit Tongliang car arrived, and then take the long-distance bus to Chongqing, the same day on the train from Chongqing to Guangzhou.

30 more hours later, they came to Foshan. Train station full of people, all the packages. Mr Pescod side raised his head, a gray sky, this is his first impression of Guangdong.

the two of them into precisely Lehua Ceramic Sanitary Ware Company. Into the factory the next day, they began to do the grouting plant apprentice, learning to do the toilet. Leroy Tongliang local ceramics in a high profile, because the

Mr Pescod side and Li Yuying did not finish primary school are migrant workers, but

out farmers from the role of conversion to enterprise workers, let them first feel the thrill of paychecks. Even if the savings is only $ 300, but also get on top of annual income in rural areas. They are satisfied.

the second month, the couple began to work alone, at your own risk. In Leroy factory, the workers get paid by the piece, if the products produced by the unqualified, not only not get the commission instead, he should be fine.

the first three months, they get paid 680 yuan; the first four months, they pay 1,100 yuan. The next day, as long as the abrasive is not repair, they driving through, dry 12 hours a day, almost no day of rest each month.

Later, with the craft skill, they can, like other older workers, they get a monthly salary up to more than 7,000. In 2000, Tongliang official statistics show that rural per capita annual income of 2442 yuan, Mr Duncan Pescod side income levels far exceed the local income of urban residents.

2004 years, Mr Duncan Pescod side also spent over 60,000 yuan in the village and constructing a two-story building, red glazed tile, pink ceramic tile wall, more than 10 square meters of cement Yuanba, style short.

At that time,UGG Online Outlet, their only desire is to make money, make money.

large crony effect

brother Li Yuying Li Yuqing, is the hometown of the people to get rich introduced into the plant no less than 30 friends.

Tongliang County Human Resources and Social Security Bureau sources said, Chongqing Tongliang was identified as the key output of the labor base. Potters, and migrant workers in the county are concentrated in a group, the main destination in Foshan, Guangdong.

Tongliang local pottery tradition is not only to attract Tongliang potter is higher income. The potters entered the industry in the process, to relatives and friends gave each other, carry each other

reporter learned that, in the town of Tongliang Restoration, after the local government established a principal leader of the head of the leading group, the output of the organization responsible for the town potter, training, and labor rights protection. Town leaders take the initiative to strengthen ties with the successful potter, home to mobilize its lead migrant workers, to teach the villagers to the new technology into the plant, improve skills and increase revenue.

now looking back, the first of this leadership team, to focus only on the

brother Li Yuying Li Yuqing, rich people, home is the In fact, he initially knew nothing of pottery also, the early 1990s, he was just working on the south to work on construction sites. In 1994, Leroy ceramics factory working in construction, he stayed in the factory put into operation, from apprentices to workers, step by step to become the squad leader's workshop.

1999, the Li Yuqing Li Yuying to Mr Duncan Pescod side and brought out; 2002, Mr Duncan Pescod side to his sister and her husband Bo Zhihua Wang Xianxiong brought out, and later his younger brother and sister are also small ocean Park to Foshan . And Li Yuqing, offering not only with his wife and nephew Kai Pan Li Hongfei work, will introduce her sister and her husband, Chen Zhiyong Li Yu and his son Chen Zhuo into factory workers, will be his father Victor unitary unitary whole and Aunt Dan Xingju together into a plant.

inventory of these deep-rooted relations between relatives can see, in addition to sick leave was Mr Duncan Pescod side, his brother and sister into other industries, the Ins and Outs of Li Yuqing total of 14 relatives into Leroy ceramics factory.

in Li Yuqing view, their relatives and with out much more. In addition to relatives, he also introduced some friends into the plant, the number of 30 or more. In fact, reform the town, almost most of the potters are made in this way Foshan ceramic enterprises.

2009 March, Chongqing, local media reported Tongliang more than 5,000 migrant workers working in Foshan ceramic enterprises, which have access to more than 1,000 ceramic Leroy. However, according to the Economic Development Board Tongliang recent labor statistics show that about Leroy ceramics factory Tongliang membership of more than 200 workers, and to reform the economy is relatively backward, town buildings and few clouds membership mainly of migrant workers, especially in Restoration town for the most. Migrant workers are still working over the town as a corporate branch manager, managers, supervisors and other high-level positions.

potters to become the biggest reform of migrant workers outside the town of labor groups. Only this way, each year 50 million yuan for local farmers direct income. In March last year, local officials rushed to the potters have to go to Foshan ago, also told the potters who they represent the image of Tongliang, Tongliang potters to establish the brand, to show people Tongliang hard-working, law-abiding image, to focus on training and Bangdai, so the new people out there who have early information technology.

from envy to fear

potters return with more people on the

What is silicosis? Before entering the ceramic enterprises, almost all of the Tongliang migrant workers do not know.

Mr Pescod side and his wife, Li Yuying, then just think of money to work, you can fix the house. As long as the money, return home only bright, has a face.

2007 年 11 26, Leroy ceramics factory workers undergo a medical examination, which is the first time in 13 years the plant to establish a medical examination of workers. The next day, Mr Duncan Pescod side lung had been told, but he did not see the medical report, in the end do not know what ails. November 28, the factory agreed to Mr Duncan Pescod side home and rest for three months.

Mr Pescod said Fang, Leroy ceramics factory workers in eight years, almost no one told him to do protective measures. mask takes a paper-thin, two days wearing not become. It is understood that at that time, Leroy ceramics factory is only available to workers in surgical masks, the protection of workers exposed to dust, and touch no special protection.

2007 end of November, Mr Duncan Pescod side rest back home in Willow Village, Village of mountains and fresh air, Mr Duncan Pescod party has also failed to cure pulmonary fibrosis. September 26, 2008, return to Foshan, he was diagnosed with silicosis one, identified by the evaluation committee the ability to work as a

he is Leroy first ceramics factory workers were diagnosed with silicosis. April 13, 2009, after mutual consultation, one-time payment of Mr Duncan Pescod side Leroy plant 199,000 yuan compensation. This includes a one-time disability benefits, a one-time grants and work-related injury medical follow-up treatment costs. With this compensation, Mr Duncan Pescod party returned home Tongliang. The agreement was also agreed to pay compensation after Mr Duncan Pescod side is no longer held any responsibility for the factory.

2009 end of April, Mr Duncan Pescod side Tongliang occupational disease back to the news as if they had wings spread in the town. Since then, potters return home as more people on the The envy of potters from the initial to the later fear.

2010 years of winter, desolate town reformers, only a street one can see the head. Restaurants and shops in a small street off the half, the boss is a 50-year-old man. He told reporters that his son has done year in Foshan ceramics factory workers,

this year, after another illness from Leroy ceramics factory town of potters Restoration back up more than 10, they all have passed the message to get compensation was marvelous.

Who is next?

Recently, Foshan Lehua Ceramic Factory 200 employees lung abnormalities, many migrant workers who have families are waiting for relatives of test results.

Restoration town, 48-year-old Gan-generation loyalty and Mr Pescod side, just as the diagnosis of silicosis migrant workers return home. On behalf of Zhong Gan in July 1998, the couple entered Leroy plant, with the grouting work, in March 2009 diagnosed with silicosis, two, four disability after compensated 218,000.

back Tongliang, the generation of Zhong Gan spent more than 20 million units in Tongliang county bought a 110 square meter house. Today, he is doing nothing, often riding a motorcycle to and from the town of Tongliang County and Restoration, element of injury treatment, the first being A diagnosis of silicosis, four disabled Mr Pescod party loyalty physical condition even worse than the substitution.

Today, 39-year-old Mr Pescod side every step of the way to go will be out of breath, persistent cough, let him have some difficulty speaking. He blamed misdiagnosed,

home within two years, Mr Duncan Pescod parties have not been to the hospital, silicosis is an occupational disease is considered incurable, , now only to die,

was diagnosed with silicosis and other potters to return home, and Mr Duncan Pescod side has similar views. Reporters in the survey found, not one of them active on the prevention of occupational diseases hospital, and no one is willing to pay to wash the lungs. Mr Pescod side by a local barefoot doctor with a fried loquat Chuanbei drink, said to be lungs,

Now, Mr Duncan Pescod at home parties capable of, can only be cut to the pig cut grass, sweep health. Because more than 10 meters from the floor at the foot of a long steep climb up, he will not even cough with asthma.

year, Li Yuying, and go home with her husband Mr Pescod side, felt unwell recently, But she is normal to leave the identity of Leroy plant.

home, Mr Duncan Pescod parties expect money supply his son dashed the hopes of reading, 17-year-old son, Bo Yu Xiang dropped out of school last year his father fell ill to work in Zhejiang.

Recently, Foshan Lehua Ceramic plant in the 200 anomalies quickly spread the news staff Restoration town, because there is news that the employees are the most unusual Restoration town people. As a result, many migrant workers who have families are waiting for relatives of test results.

back to the lungs in the correspondent's list of unusual, Mr Duncan Pescod side to find her sister and her husband Pan Shi Bo Zhilan red name, phone, he also learned brother Wang Xianxiong, unitary whole father Victor also has been diagnosed with silicosis, and is applying for diagnosis of occupational diseases.

When you see the list of her sister, her husband's name, Mr Duncan Pescod side look of indifference, as if it became an instant freezing air, deadly in quiet ... ...

Mr Pescod parties and their healthy relatives state map

Mr Pescod side

sister: Bo Zhilan (lung abnormalities)

brother: Pan Shi-hong (pneumoconiosis two)

sister: Bo Zhihua (normal)

brother: Wang Xianxiong (pulmonary abnormalities, has applied for diagnosis of occupational diseases)

brother: Little Bo Yang (normal, have left)

< p> brother: Li Yuqing (normal)

sister-in-law: Pan Kai Xian (normal)

nephew: Li Hongfei (normal)

Li Yuying


sister: Li Yu will be (normal)

brother: Chen Zhiyong (normal)

outside the nephew: Chen Zhuo (normal)

unitary Dad: Victor whole (has applied for the diagnosis of occupational lung abnormalities)

unitary aunt: Dan Xingju (normal)

20-23 Moderator pen: Southern Reporter door Jun Cheng

20-23 version written: Southern Reporter door less Ouyang Wei Xie Jun Cheng Rui Photography: Southern Reporter Guoji Jiang

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