
Coach Outlet OnlineAs Layla closed her apartment

As Layla closed her apartment,Beats by Dre Studio Michael Jack, she noticed how exited she was abouth the idea of herself traveling with the type of pokemon she liked and of course, she was seeing herself as the first Dark-Type Gym leader ever. Before her going, she looked nextdoor with a sad face. It was a shame that her parents were traveling and couldn't see her in that day.

While going down by elevator, she was thinking on some cool Dark and Ice type pokemon she wished to catch and beating the champ. "How is the champ like?" The question passed throught her mind.
Finally, out of the building, she looked up at the sky before continuing her way to the lab.

Layla walked through the city, slowly but surely making her way to Professor Linden’s lab. Finally, she could just make out the famous green roof of the lab. But before Layla could take another step further, someone appeared from the ally next to her and stepped in front of her.

“Pardon me, miss” the silver-haired man said. “Are you going to Professor Linden’s Lab?”

Layla looked at it. "Oh,Beats By Dre Sale, yeah. Yes I am; and you?" Layla said.

“There is something I have to tell you” the man said in a hushed voice. “Recently, some of the pokemon that Linden has been giving out have started acting strangely. There have even been reports of starter pokemon attacking their own trainers. The police are inspecting this, but there is only so much they can do. My partners and I are the only ones who know what this really means: Professor Linden is secretly working for a criminal team. Well,Fiver Finger Shoes, I must admit there is a lack of certain evidence, but we will not let that stop our hunch. We would attempt to stop the fiend ourselves, but we are too recognizable. We need talented young trainers to investigate, trainers whose pokemon have never been seen by that Professor. Trainers like you could be. If you agree to help us, I will give you a choice between six pokemon that I have bred and raised myself. Well? Will you choose a lab pokemon that may have been tampered with? Or will you aid our noble cause?”

Layla thought for a second, she wasn't sure about trusting this man. "Hmm.... Ok, I will help you" She said.

“Excellent” the silver-haired man said. He released his pokeballs one at a time.

The first pokemon to appear was round and pink. “Igglybuff” it said, giving Layla a slight bow.

The second was a red pokemon. “Magby!” it shouted happily.

The third pokemon was purple with blonde hair. “Smoochum” it said, looking Layla straight in the eye.

The fourth pokemon had blue and red patterns all over its shell. “Togepi” it said in a serious tone.

The fifth was a brown pokemon with white armbands. “Tyrogue” it said with a pleasant smile.

The final pokemon was blue with a black tail. “Wynaut” it said in a small voice, looking down timidly.

“These are the pokemon I have for you to choose from” the silver-haired man said. “Will you choose one of them?”

Layla looked over the pokemon several times. It was a hard decition! She thought on Smoochum but she didn't like the fact of being half psychic. The she looked again at Toguepi. She knew that its evolutions where flying type, so Layla thought that was her chance of balance her party if she would just have dark and ice type in the future since both types where weak to fighting type. Besided, it looked kind of serious,Cheap Moncler, perfect for her. "Can I take this pokemon?" Layla asked the man looking to the Toguepi.

"Of course you may" the silver-haired man said. He gave the Togepi's pokeball to Layla. "Would you like to give a nickname to your new Togepi?"

Layla nodded happily. "I will name you... Flyvning." She said while carring Flyvning up. Layla actually liked the name for her first pokemon even though it wasn't an ice or dark type.

“I can tell that you and Flyvning will accomplish great things” the silver-haired man said as he returned the other five pokemon. “Might I offer a suggestion? There is a shop that sells pokemon training supplies in Opal Town. It is not far from here, just west of Route 1. That would be a good place to start training. I also have just one request: do not tell anyone who you received this pokemon from. If certain people find out your Togepi came from me, it could undermine the entire operation. Goodbye,Coach Outlet Online, miss. Best of luck on your new journey.” The man gave Layla a polite nod and disappeared into the ally he had come from.

Layla and Flyvning looked the mas as he disappeared. "Well, Flyvning. Now it's just you and me. I guess that since the pokemon profesor is 'evil' we should go to where that misterious man told us. Wanna go to train already?" Layla said with entusiasm. "Pi!" Flyvning said exited raising her arms. Layla smiled at it and looked at a compass that was hanging on her purse. "west" She thought and start walking to the city's boundries. Meanwhile Layla was wondering what kind of pokemon she would see in the route 1. Maybe, if she and Flyvnin could catch some pokemon since Layla had some pokeballs her family gave her a week before this day.

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