
Vibram Five Fingers SaleBlogs - Trent Staley - Swimmer Vs Ex-Swimmer... on Floswimming

So my last entry was pretty serious and all that so this time I thought I would have a little more fun and get in to some of my musings…
Typically swimmers, unless their initials are MP and they have enough Gold to jumpstart the US economy, are not really thought of as being all that, hmmm, how should I say… “cool” beyond our wet world.
Case in point, . This un-caped crusader has yet to have a major Hollywood movie made of his heroism, yet his far more dry (yes, that is a pun – think about it) Justice League pals Batman and Superman have a slew of films about them but nada for our hydro inclined hero… oh and please don’t send emails about how Vinnie Chase stars in an Aquaman movie in … that isn’t the real world and if anything they were making fun of the genre.
But at the same time… within our niche, we think swimmers are really pretty excellent and when you aren’t one any more it sorta sucks. One afternoon when I must have been feeling particularly uncool, I started thinking about my life and contrasting my swimming years against where I am today and this is what I realized:
In 1999, I grew out my facial hair to look older, today I grow it out cause I’m lazy…
In 2000, I regularly stayed up till 2am, hanging out with friends in the dorms and never having a problem waking up for workout at 5:30 the next morning, nowadays if I am out past 11pm I’ll pay for it for a week…
In 2001, I had girl friends (yes plural), in 2009 I have reality television…
In 2002 [url=http://www.vibrameu.com/]Vibram Five Fingers Sale[/url]


, I road a beach cruiser to class every day, now I ride a … in place… if I’m lucky…
In 2003, I did the majority of my traveling to compete at swim meets… in 2009, I do most of it to speak at swim meetings…
In 2004, I drove a Navigator now I drive a like your mom…
In 2005, my wardrobe was sponsored by , in 2009 my wardrobe is sponsored by Christmas gifts purchased at (but come on, how great are the no-iron dress shirts?)…
In 2006, I ate 5000 calories a day and burned 6000, just 3 years later at I eat 3000 calories a day and am lucky to expend 2000 (see the stationary bike comment above)…
So what I am seeing here is that not only am I not cool, I am pretty pathetic. Lesson? SWIM FOR LIFE!

Source by the beats by dre relate article:

